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HM Julia's POV

I went outside and checked the army if they are all ready. This time, I know I am making the right choice. The other army started to march, while the other rode the rover, we bought tank and other war vehicles. We arrived in front of the forest, we checked every angle, we checked every places that near to the forest to see if there are some hydras hiding and planning a surprise attack. My archers are already in their place, they are in the trees, while the other snipers are in the high places, we have archers and snipers in all angles. "I still don't get it." Ezra said. "What?" I asked. "Why are we risking our people's lives for Zach? We don't even know the reason why they kidnapped her." She said and sighed. "We will know the reason when we already saved her." I answered. "You are saving her because you're curious? Well, your curiosity will kill us." She said and walked back to the army. "I hate that we are becoming your puppets." She continued. I just sighed, I know that she is just angry but this is not the time for me to be angry at her too, we need unity to save Zach and not get our people killed. We started to march in the forest, I am glad that there are no traps and hydras that will attack us. I knew it, they are expecting us. "Strange." Kian said. "When you see hydras, do not attack them." Ezra said. She is right, attacking a hydra you just saw means starting a war. 

We arrive safely and complete in the boundary of the forest and the kingdom. Our snipers and archers came to their own place as planned. Snipers and our other people are watching every angle in this kingdom. The other army went to their position where they can surround the kingdom. The hydras positioned themselves in front of us, we showed no fear, we are standing in front of them with our eyes looking directly to them. Suddenly they started to chant, well this chant only have two meaning it is either we make a deal and talk for peace or starting a war. "Le vol de vouldo" They chanted. "What is happening?" Matthew whispered. "We are waiting." I answered. The hydras made a way, and a man walk through it. He stood in front of me. "Surrender." He said. I did not answered him because I know he is not Joaquin. "That is a good greeting." Ezra said, this woman really know how to pissed someone. I held her hand to stop her. She just looked at me and removed it. "Joaquin is not coming." The man said and left. "This is war." Nathalie said. "We are waiting." I said. "Waiting for them to attack us?" Monty said and I can see the anger in his eyes. "Are you guys the head now?" I calmly said. "Your anger will not help you, Monty." Samuel said. Time passed so fast and it is evening now, we maintain the light in our place to make sure that they can't attack us or spy on us. 

"We're gonna enter." Samuel said. "No you are not." I answered. "HM Julia is right. You can't enter if those hydras are watching us." Ezra said, the hydras are still in front of us, any minute they can attack, any second one of us will get killed. "Make a distraction." I said. "You know you are starting a war if you will go inside and why are you tolerating them, HM?." Ezra said and I can feel the worries and anger in her voice. "We are gonna stay here, Ezra. They won't notice that they will leave. Just make a distraction." I said. Ezra left to make a distraction. "Wait for my go." I said. And suddenly I heard a girl screaming, shouting "Help!" And saying she is wounded. I told Samuel to leave. "You attacked our people!" Ezra shouted. "No one attacked you." The hydra in front answered. "Then who did this?" Ezra said and acted like she will attack them too. "Are you starting a war?" The hydra said and smirked. "Are you starting a war?" I said and all of my people got ready.  The hydra stayed silent because they know they are starting a war if they answered back, and they will get killed by their own people and leader because a normal person can't decide or state a war. Ezra came back and said "That shit is hard." And chuckled. This is my girl. She looked behind us to check our people and suddenly she just acted worried and started to panic. "What happened?" I asked and held her hands to calm her. "Where is Monty and Nathalie?" She asked. Damn. Now I am expecting a war.

"We can't let them go there, they are just trainees." Ezra said with worries. "But we can't do anything to stop them, the can't go back too because they will get notice." I whispered while simply looking at the surroundings trying to find Monty and Nathalie. "I need to go after them." Ezra said. "No, they will notice you, we can't make another distraction, it will be suspicious." I said. "Let's just hope they are okay." I said and sighed. "They will ruin Samuel's plans, HM, there is anger inside them, a really massive anger." Ezra said and she can't calm down. "Be positive, they can do that." I said and patted her shoulder, I am trying to cheer her up and convince her that it will be okay but I really know that they will ruin it, we messed up, no, I messed up. The madness inside them is destroying them, I hope that anger wouldn't destroy our plans. "Salvar a quien puede ser salvo." I chanted, my people started to chant to, that means save who can be saved. Ezra tried to leave but I stopped her. "We are chanting to save their lives so stay, don't risk yours." I said and continued to chant.

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