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Samuel's POV

"We need to come back for Zach, Kian." We are in the middle of the forest, far enough from the hydras. "No, we go back in our kingdom and get some help." Kian said. "No, if we waste more time, we are giving them the chance to use Zach in evertyhing that they want to do, we can't let them have her, Kian." "You have a point but what if we are not able to save her and the hydras locked us up, we gave them the chance to be free, Samuel." I started to think, what do we need to do in the middle of this mess? All I know is I need to save her. "The hydras knows that our choice is to get some help because they knew that we knew that we can't beat them, we almost died earlier, Samuel. Now if you really want to save Zach, we start walking and find our way back to the kingdom." Kian said, I sighed and agreed because he is right, we can't do anything but to get some help. We started to find some traces, It's easy to get here than to leave. "Kian, you are with Zach when you went to the kingdom right?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" He said. "It means you know the way back." I said but he just looked me with disappointed face. I looked at him and asked why, he answered me "I forgot the way back, I think it is because of the chip." "Can you try to recall the things you saw here while going to the kingdom?" I asked, all I can do is help him remember the way because this is a maze, clues are enough, even the smallest detail will help us.

"I can't remember if you won't say a specific place or time or just you know like some random stuffs about here." Kian said. "Okay, when you and Zach ran, what did you saw? Did you saw some cave or a well or a lake, can you remember?" I asked, I wish this will work, we can't waste time. "I really can't remember, I'm sorry." Kian said, I sighed. "Okay, lets just continue walking and tell me when you remember something." I said. While we're walking in the middle of the forest, I saw some broken parts in the tree's trunk. I quickly walk to see if the other one has a mark too, and it has. I walk to the right side to check other trees and they don't have one, I went to where is Kian walking and I saw that the tree has a mark, "Do you think these marks are leading us back to the kingdom?" I asked Kian, and he answered me "No, maybe that's not a mark, those are old trees so it's not rare to have a broken part." I got confused and said "You saw that I checked the other trees and don't have markings, and if you are gonna stare at them and take your time, you can see that they have the same marks." And he checked the marks, "But who will put these things?" Kian asked. "I knew it." I said, I knew it!!!! "What?" Kian. "HM planned that they were gonna go here, maybe she put the markings, she's wise and we knew it." I said. "But why the markings only reached the middle?" Kian asked. "Maybe they are in danger." I said and started to worry. "Or she really stop here so that the hydras won't notice." Kian said. "What should we do? Check the place or continue walking?" I asked. "We've been there, Samuel. We saw everything, maybe they just stopped here to check the way, leave some traces." Kian said and I just agreed, he has a point.

We continued walking until we arrived at the road, yes, it leads us in the right way, me and Kian started to run back to the kingdom because we don't want to waste time. We are really tired and our wounds are hurting us making us more tired, but we didn't stop because we know we are the hope, especially Zach. She is the reason why we escaped that damn kingdom, and now it is our time to save them. This is very far from our kingdom, there is no place that has water, I can feel that I am gonna faint soon. We just kept on running but then Kian stopped, he sat on the floor and said we should rest a bit. I sat beside him and breathe. After a few minutes we atrted to run again until we arrived at the kingdom. They don't want to let us in, "Just call HM for us!" I shouted, I understand why they don't want us in, they are just being careful. I saw Ezra and called her. "You traitor!" She said and punched me. "Easy." I said and then Kian held Ezra and said why we are here. Ezra let us in but our feet and hands are chained, with this chain with you, you cannot use your roux, which is okay with me because we didn't do anything wrong. We went to HM's office and Ezra gave us water. "Explain." HM said, I can feel her anger and worries at the time she said that. Me and Kian explained what happened and told them every details we remember. "But how did you get back?" HM said. "We saw markings on the trees, it's not that visible but I managed to see the markings there when I saw two trees with marks." I said. "But the markings I put got vanished, how can you see them?" HM asked and I can see the shocked on her face. "I don't know, I just did. They are still there, maybe you just got lost and you see some trees you thought that they are the one you put marking with." I answered and we all stayed silent. "What's your plan?" I asked. HM just stared at me and I can see the confusion in her eyes. "Believe me, we are telling the truth, HM." I said, I can tell that they still don't believe us. "Maybe you can now remove our chain?" Kian said and sighed.

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