22. Noon.

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Before I start off I wanna wish (Katrina's Husband) the multi talented Donald Earle DeGrate Jr. a wonderful Happy Birthday! Love you Swing💖

I hope you'll enjoy the chapter, a certain someone will make an appearance 👀

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I hope you'll enjoy the chapter, a certain someone will make an appearance 👀


December 13, 1987


Copying down the sentence from my Econ book onto my cheat sheet for the final I'm taking in two days, I felt a pair of eyes on me.

Glancing to the right I said, "Elijah, I'm trying to study."

"So am I." he replies, looking me up and down with a sly grin on his lips making me want to kiss them.

I giggle, "Come on Elijah, I took time off work to help you prepare for this Econ final, not for you to flirt with me."

"Maybe that was my plan all along, to get you, me and my corny flirting all alone. I think it worked because you're blushing like a fool."

I pulled up my jacket to hide my crimson cheeks as he laughed out loud, until the librarian shushed him.

This last week and a half with me and Elijah in the talking stage of a possible relationship has been weird, in a fantastic way of course. I would've never thought someone like Elijah would want to be with me, I'm not downplaying myself but he's into those pretty girl types, a.k.a Journey. Speaking of her, I think she's caught on to me and Elijah. The only people that know about me and him are Karmen and Kendall, and probably Huey.

I looked around the schools library, it was pretty empty, me and Elijah are on the far end behind bookcases, "You think your something special huh?" I rhetorically asked.

He sat back against the chair shrugging, "Yeah, pretty much."

"I wasn't looking for a answer but okay. Anyways," I tapped on his empty notebook, "get to writing. You want to pass your last final exam for high school right?"

"Was that a rhetorical question?" he asked curiously.

I hit his shoulder with the notebook, "Don't play with me, Eli."

"You must be mad cause you called me Eli. What happened to saying my full name cause your "different"? You killed me with that." he held in his laughter as I straight faced him.

"Bye." just as I stood up he pulled me down.

"Okay, I'll stop fucking around." he rubbed his thumb across the top of my hand.

Sitting down, we got back to work. We asked each other questions every once in a while until he asked something out of nowhere, "Why didn't you tell your dad about me?"

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