13. Mind Blowing Decisions.

349 23 113

Katrina L.


"Hurry up with that Carbonara sauce Katrina! The guests have been waiting for over ten minutes!" my uncle yelled at me, sticking his head out from behind the serving counter.

"I'm moving as fast as I can zio," I moved the simmering sauce around the cast iron skillet, "Why don't you have Zach helping me?"

"He's washing dishes right now so you're on your own." he shrugged walking away.

I rolled my eyes, "This some bullshit. Why the did I come back to this hell hole?" I placed the pasta and sauce in a glass bowl, shaving parmesan on top.

I quickly put the platter of food on a tray and carried it out to the dining area, I passed out the food to the people that ordered it. They smiled and thanked me, I only nodded and gave a artificial smile before escaping away to the dish washing area.

Zachary was listening to music on his WalkMan, I snatched his headphones off, placing it around his neck.

"I don't appreciate you bailing on me during the dinner rush Zachary," I leaned against the wet counter, "that shit not cool." I took my apron off, draping it over the dish rack.

He gazed at me, "It's not my fault babe, your uncle wanted me to start on these dishes so your beef is with him." he put his headphones back on and continued to dry the dishes.

I took them off again, "Roo Roo, talk to me, I'm bored." I pouted.

"What I tell you about calling me that girly ass name?"

"It's cute though," I cheesed, "it fits you."

"Your interrupting my Hall & Oats session, babe."

"You owe me for not helping me. I planned on doing my homework dude, I'm not getting a break tonight. I'm getting payed too little for this shit and my uncle owns the damn place. I should at least get payed over minimum wage." I complained.

I haven't worked here since the summer and I can tell you I haven't missed this place at all. I came back because my uncle wanted me too, oh, and I needed the extra dough. The only reason I worked during the summer time was to be around Michael, God that was a major mistake. I can vividly picture the time me and him made out inside of the cooler, my fingers were cold and frozen the whole day. I think I caught frost bite.

"Katrina! Come out here and take this order!"

I let out a silent scream before sighing, I didn't bother answering. Zach had a fake sad look on his face, "Aww, the poor baby can't catch a break, what a shame."

"Suck my toes." I tied the greasy apron around my waist. While walking away, I could hear Zach humming the hook to Private Eyes and the amount of jealousy hit me like no other because while he's just cooling out, I have to deal with rude and indecisive customers for the next hour in a half.

I could be at home watching Johnny Depp on 21 Jump Street with his fine self.

I was in the process of tightening my ponytail when my eyes landed on Tony and some of my brother's other friends occupied in a booth, talking and obnoxiously laughing loud. My eyes rolled as I reluctantly maneuvered towards them.

I snatched my pen and pad out of my apron, "What can I get for y'all tonight?" my eyes stayed on the blank paper.

"Isn't this a nice surprise, Henry's baby sorella, Katrina! Ya know I like to call her HB cause that's what she is, a half breed." Tony cackled while his friends joined.

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