12. Past Pains.

397 20 127

Elijah Whitmore


"Its too early for your bullshit, Journey

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"Its too early for your bullshit, Journey. I'm trying to have a good day and you starting off with your nagging ain't helping." I remarked bitterly to my girlfriend as we stood in the breakfast line at school.

"Oh, I'm only 'nagging' because you're still entertaining that bitch Katrina. I heard you were about to fight Jeremiah because he was grabbing on her? Are you fucking kidding me?" she hissed while grabbing a banana muffin and I grabbed a apple juice and powered donut pack.

We scanned our school Id's, and walked out of the line, we stood to the side, "I was doing the right thing, aight? You wouldn't be in an uproar if it was Brianna I was helping out. But since its Katrina, you're buggin. What do you have against her?" I quizzed, she had a smug look on her face, crossing her arms.

She sighed, "She wants you. I know it."

"Whats your proof?"

She stayed silent. I let out a dry chuckle, "Exactly. That girl don't want me. We're just friends." I simply stated.

"That's how it starts off! She'll start off as a friend then gradually want to be around you more, by y'all selves then boom, she'll start making moves on you. There's a system to this!" she exasperated with a huff.

I only shook my head at her excuse. Journey's making up random bullshit to prevent me from hanging around Katrina. She see's her as a threat in her eyes and I can't muster up any reason for her to think so. I take no interest in Katrina and she doesn't take a interest in me because I'm in a committed relationship. Katrina told me that herself in gym class two days back and I believe her. Katrina is still trying to get over Jeremiah's crazy ass harassing her so why would she bother trying to break up at relationship?

"Just admit that you're spazzing cause you see a threat in Kat-"

"No! I'll never see a threat in that Mutt. She's not even on my level. You're balls must have finally dropped Elijah to say that to me. What a great boyfriend you are." she commented in displeasure, glaring at me before walking off to a table her friends sat.

I stood their irritated by her over exaggerated attitude that she's displaying on herself as of lately. I don't know whats up with her, I want to ask but she'll get even more annoyed by my questions. Not even two months ago, I mentally questioned myself if I should ask her about her speculated infidelity over the summer. I decided to drop it due to my lack of evidence, or, the possibly of my theory being truthful.

I shook the thought out of my head, heading to the booth Kendall and Karmen are sitting at, noticing Katrina wasn't their like she usually is, "Whats up gang?" I fist bumped them both, "where's apple head at?" I asked about Katrina, calling her by a name I made up for her.

"She's not coming in today. She's helping her aunt with her wedding plans for next month." Karmen spoke up.

I sipped on my apple juice, "That's a bummer. I thought Cassie was married to Rex. They got a divorce?" I asked in shock.

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