31. Temptation.

245 19 123

Katrina L.


January 29th, 1988

"So if you gon' suck his dick, you have to cuff the balls. You can't let them hang and get cold." Karmen instructs over the phone.

"Whoa, scurt! I never said I was gonna suck his dick I just considered it...if he eats me out of course." I shrug, putting my folded clothes in the drawers.

"You know I never done that, the farthest I went with Michael was giving him a handjob. He didn't deserve anything more, but Elijah does. If his head game is trash I'll just die!" I groaned dramatically, fixing the pillows on my bed.

My dad, uncle and brother left for California early this morning so I've been home all day cleaning and preparing for Elijah's arrival. I told him to come at 7, so it would be nice and dark outside.

"Maybe you guys won't do anything." Karmen predicts.

"I highly doubt it. Too much sexual tension has been built up between us to not, I think I'm ready."

"You think?"

"I know," I scratch my scalp, "so say if I do give him head, should I show out right then or gradually get buck wild?"

"Wow, I never thought I would be giving lil miss Katrina dick sucking lessons 101," she sniffed, "I'm proud of you."

"Stop with the dramatics and tell me what to do, girl!"

"Calm your tits. Okay, first and foremost, you start off with mediocre head for like five minutes."

"Five minutes?" I say shocked, that's a long time.

"Yup, he'll understand since it'll be your first time. During that time, you just stroke his thang, kiss the tip lick up and down, all that." I cringe as Karmen continued to give me tips.

"After those five minutes, your gonna say, "I want to see you do it", say it in a sexy voice bitch. He'll be caught off guard, he'll be looking clueless as fuck. So, you take his hand and put it on his dick and repeat yourself, trust and believe he'll do it! You just sit back and watch, the dominance will be switched and you'll have him hooked." she explains as I stare blankly at the phone.

I'm not bold enough to do that shit, I get petrified just by the thought of touching his bare dick. Just seeing the print through his joggers had me shook.

"Karm, I'm not bold to do all that! Who am I kidding, I'm scared to look at the thing."

She sighs heavily, "I should've known. That's okay, just keep what I said in mind for future references."

"Hold up, did you get all these tips from someone or from your own experiences?" my eyebrows raised as I stifled a snicker.

"A mixture of both." we laugh at her answer.

"Did I tell you Kendall is coming by? He kept begging me to watch this tv special with him." Karmen informs.

"Just to watch a tv special, huh?" I look suspiciously at the phone.

"Uh uh don't do that, Kendall is the homie. He's as much as your friend as he is mine." she defends, I hold the phone between my ear and shoulder as I placed my hair products on my dresser.

I think Karm and Ken would make a cute couple, they argue like their married so they might as well date.

"That's what I said about Elijah," my eyes cut at the phone, "look at me now, getting pointers about sucking his dick."

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