36. Aftermath.

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The Brooklyn Hospital Center.

The family and friends of Elijah Whitmore sat anxiously in the sitting room, waiting for an update on his condition.

He was brought in some time after ten the night before bleeding from his arm, with bruises and multiple cuts on his body. His dazed body was put on a stretcher and sent to the emergency room so he could get treated and tested.

The couple that brought him in were Henry and Kandace. They so happen to be passing by the neighborhood after their night out and spotted Elijah laying on the sidewalk.

Henry's been waiting on him for the longest, Kandace went home before anyone else could arrive so she could change her bloody clothes. And so it won't seem like her and Henry were together.

The next person who got word of Elijah was Kendall, then he passed on to his mom, Karmen, then Katrina.

Sylvia was completely bewildered hearing the news about her son. He's never know for getting into trouble that would result in him getting badly hurt. It was a coincidence that he was taken to the hospital she works.

Katrina woke up to her phone ringing, Karmen on the other end dropping the news. She was stuck yet freaking out, knowing he was suppose to see her. She was already worried when he didn't come at a certain time, she ended up worrying herself to sleep.

Kendall and Karmen scooped Katrina up and raced to the hospital, they've been there since four.

Katrina's foot tapped on the cold tile floor, she wiped her dry teared face as she looked around the small room where other folks were waiting for answers.

Kendall stood up and began to pace, "We've been waiting for centuries to get an update of Elijah. What could they be doing?"

"Finding out what's wrong with him." Henry answers.

"Isn't it obvious, he got his ass beat." Kendall swears with a huff.

"They could be stitching him up, or maybe he's sedated and still running test on him ya know. He came here in pretty bad shape, right Henry?" Karmen reasons.

"Yeah, he's pretty banged up. He couldn't walk on his own, he had trouble staying awake. He must've been in and out of it about three times on the drive here."

"It was a blessing that you just happen to pass by. If you didn't..." Karmen drags as she sighs.

Katrina was quiet as they conversed among themselves, her mind spiraled in many directions. All of them landing on the fact that she's the reason he's in this predicament.

Not because he was coming to see her, but, she's for sure knows that Tony has something to do with it. There would be no other reason, they've had stupid beef since December. It all started with her big mouth cousin Freddie egging on the situation.

She's been praying ever since, saying she'll do and stop anything for Elijah to come out okay. Especially hoping that he doesn't blame her.

Kandace entered the hospital's automatic doors and made her way to the room she was at not too long ago. Her eyes first landed on Henry, she gave a small smile.

"Have there been any updates on Elijah?" she questions the group.

They all shook their heads, "No. Ms. Whitmore is still talking to the doctor." Henry says.

Katrina stands up to engulf her friend in a well needed hug, she cradles her head against her neck as tears flow from her eyes.

"It's all my fault, Kandace. It's all my fault." she sobs as Kandace hugs her tighter, feeling her own eyes welling up with tears.

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