41. Half Lit Cigarette Pt 1.

257 17 119

Katrina L.


Pouring the rest of the bitter strawberry lemonade from the pitcher into a solo cup, I exit the kitchen to sit in the loveseat I've been occupying all evening.

I absentmindedly glance over at family members, ear hustling on their conversing since I have nothing else better to do.

I was forced to attend my uncle Tommy's birthday party today. Well, not forced technically, I love my uncle but knowing today is his birthday I would have to see family members I'm not too fond of. Specifically his daughter, Valerie.

We've always disliked one another since we were younger, some people don't understand why. It's plain and simple; Valerie's a bitch. She's always been, being spoiled and entitled from birth makes her think everyone would bow down to her, except me.

"Why you over here sitting by yourself? Go socialize with your cousins, their your famiglia." uncle Sonny sits besides me, eating a slice of cheesecake.

"Not in the socializing mood. I'm ready to jet."

Sipping on my lemonade, I add, "Where did Sydney run off to? She said she would be back in a few minutes," I look down at my wristwatch, "that was 25 minutes ago." I huff.

She's the only one who's been keeping me entertained this whole time.

"Not sure. Go chat with Val, I'll call her over here. Hey, Val!" he yells across the room.

"Uncle Sonny." I push his shoulder in annoyance as he catches her attention.

Her ponytail swings with every step she makes towards us, uncle Sonny stands up. "Talk to your cousin for a little while. I can't remember the last time you two hung out." he looks between our blank faces before walking away.

"Yeah, that was purposely." she mumbles, flattening out her plaid skirt.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing." she plasters a fake smile, sitting to the side of me.

Valerie pulls out her compact mirror to fix her long, brunette hair that's in a high ponytail. She takes a glance at me before applying nude lipstick to her lips. "Your hair has gotten shorter since the last time I saw you." she points out.

"Yeah, I cut it. Wanted a new look."

"It fits you. I don't think long hair flatters your facial frame. It made your face appear fatter." she notes in a tone that I don't like.


She pops her lips, "Yeah." she situates her body towards me. "With longer hair, you can't really tell what a person's face shape is like. But, with yours, you can spot it from a mile away." her obnoxious laugher sounded throughout the room while I cringe.

A low scoff leaves my mouth, I look at her with a grin on my lips. "Ya know what? I see what you mean by long hair making your face look fat. It's painfully obvious with yours, gosh." my eyes squint at her. "It looks like your hiding nuts in your mouth like a squirrel, or something else." I begin to make disgusted facial expressions at her.

She gasps, "Really?" she touched her cheeks as I hold in a laugh at this foolish girl.

Valerie's face drops into a glare, "Your pulling my leg, aren't you? That's not funny, Katrina."

"It is to me."

Her lips hold a mischievous smile as I look at her wearily. "So," she begins, "Syd told me about your situation with your boyfriend- well, ex boyfriend. It's shame. She showed me a picture of you and him, he's hot for a black boy."

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