33. Aphrodisiac.

254 18 65


January 31, 1988

The young couple returned to the bedroom after they washed their face and brushed their teeth. They snuggled under the covers not before Elijah pressed play of the VCR.

Katrina grabbed the box of lemonheads from her nightstand, popping a few in her mouth.

The writer glanced at her, "You just brushed your teeth."

"And? I was gonna eat sooner or later." she continued to eat the candy without a care.

He only shrugs, training his eyes on the movie. "You think Tony wanted to fuck his sister?"

"Seems like it, he was obsessed with her life and who she was around. I get he was being a big brother but he went overboard when he killed Manny. I almost cried." Katrina replies.

The scene where Gina went in the bathroom with a guy to do drugs was on, "She was bad though."

Katrina looks at Elijah with arch eyebrows, "So that makes it okay to wanna fuck your sister, because of her looks? Manny was fine as hell but he didn't deserve to get killed by his partner and best friend."

"He kinda did. He hid the fact that he married his sister when he told him not to fuck around with her, patna had it coming." Elijah shrugs, drinking from his water bottle.

"Whatever." her eyes roll, she slouches under the covers and continues to watch the movie.

Elijah laid comfortably in the bed, he needed his glasses due to his vision getting blurry. He looks over at his girl laying comfortably also.

"Baby?" he calls out, putting on his best innocent face.


"Can you get my glasses out my bag?"

She groans, throwing her head back against the pillow, "Why can't you?"

"I'm confortableee." he drags, pouting his lips childishly.

She looks at the fine specimen of a man, the adorable expression makes her want to do the favor. But, she's been trying to minimize her mobility still feeling sore from last nights activities.

"I'am too, my legs are still on fire." she grumbles moving her hair out her face.

Elijah prevents a smirk forming on his lips, "I know baby. I'm in pain too, my chin and tongue has to recover."

"That has nothing to do with walking."

"You really gonna do this after all I've done? I fed you, ate you out, twice! I treated you like the queen you are and you can't do this simple task for your man?" he rambles on.

Katrina doesn't like how he think she owes him, she's not gonna call him out though.

"If I do will you shut up?" she questions in annoyance, preparing herself to get up.

He nods.

Katrina carefully stands up with a slouch back going to the corner for the bag, she unzips it and finds the black case. She doesn't bother to close it before making her way back, Katrina throws it on his lap.

"Thanks." he places them on his face.

"Mhm." she mumbles, placing the cover over her body.

Elijah notices the bag was unzipped, "Noon, can you zip the bag up?" he looks over at her, a grimace took over her face.

"You know what, forget about it." he chuckles uneasily.

The movie came to an end, they turn on regular cable. Elijah snuggled behind Katrina, she took his hand into hers resting it on her lower stomach. She hummed inhaling his heavenly scent.

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