19. Get It Together.

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Putting the last bit of the avocado mask at the ends of my hair, I placed a shower cap on my head to sit for thirty minutes.

I stayed home from school today because I caught a cold yesterday night for not wearing a jacket in the forty degree weather, New York be switching up on me so fast.

I had a stuffy nose and a terrible headache, on top of that, I had the chills all night. I don't know why God thought I deserved that but it's okay, my headache and chills stopped this morning, my stuffy nose is subsiding. My dad made chicken noodle soup before he left for work, that has always helped me with me colds.

With me having the house to myself, I decided to pamper myself, I washed my hair, painted my nails and did a clay mask on my face. Hey, I deserve it.

My phone started to ring, I picked it up making sure the clay didn't get on the phone, "Helloooo." I snag in a happy tone.

"For someone with a cold you sure do sound chipper. Did you say that so you wouldn't have to take Ms.Edwards test?" Karmen quizzed.

"No, I truly did have a fever. I fell better now," I sat on my bed, "how was school?"

"Same ole same ole. Kendall got in trouble with Mrs. Jenson again, this time she claimed he cheated on the quiz because he got a A+ and he told her that she was lying and that God don't like ugly. She wrote him up." she explained making me shake my head.

"For a church boy his mouth sure is reckless."

"Thats what I'm saying. Oh, Elijah was asking about you."

Her comment made me smile from ear to ear, "What did he say?"

"He was asking why you weren't at school and what happened. Oh and get this, he said he missed you."

I gasped, "Really?"

"No, I'm just fucking with you." she snickered annoyingly making me roll my eyes.


"I'm sorry I had to, you sounded so happy. But seriously though, even though he didn't say it, he def was acting like it."

"How? Explain." I pressured asking eagerly.

"Calm your tits. Like I said he was asking about you, almost everything we were talking about he happened to bring your name up even though it didn't correlate with the story." she huffed as I giggled.

After realizing that I like Elijah, I've kept my cool around him. We haven't brung up what happened on my birthday even though I desperately want to ask does he have feelings for me. I'm not going to embarrass myself so I guess I'll never know.

"By the way, I picked up your homework from your classes."

"Thanks, when will you be over to drop it off?" I inquired looking at the time.

"Oh.. about that, I uh- gave it to Elijah to drop it off-"

"You what?!" my voice shouted over the phone.

"W-Why would you give it to him Karm? Do you want me to be stressed out?" I questioned rubbing my forehead, I can feel my headache coming back.

"I have a volleyball tournament to go to, Kendall had bible study so Eli was the last resort."

I sighed trying to calm down, "Did he say when?"


My eyes bulged as I read the time; 5:12.

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