Chapter 29

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Rianne's pov:

I woke up and almost forgot where I was immediately. I felt a rose petal between my index finger and my thumb and remembered. I turned to my side to find a sleepy Taylor next to me. His back was facing me so I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around him. I nuzzled my head into his neck. I heard him groan as he turned over to me and smiled.

"Goodmorning love."

Taylor's morning voice was soothing, sweet, but extremely sexy all at the same.

"Goodmorning babe."

It took me awhile to get up since we hadn't gone to bed until 2:00 last night. But despite that fact, it was almost 11:00 in the morning and we had to get up. After all, there were still a lot of things we had to set up in the apartment. So I hopped up and packed my bag.

"What time do we have to check out?" Taylor asked.

"12:00 so you better get up!"

I grabbed Taylors wrist and pulled him out of bed. He got up, but then curled up into a little ball on the floor. I laughed at him, but he still didn't get up.

"Well, I'm getting dressed. You get up when you decide not to be lazy."

I stood up and walked over to my bag. I slipped on some leggings and a plain white v-neck. I pulled up my hair into a high pony tail, which actually looked cute considering the fact that my hair was still wavy from last nights curls. I packed Taylors bag, but he was still butt-naked on the floor and had to get changed. He looked funny just curled up on the ground sleeping. But I loved this weirdo.

"Taylor, it's 11:40."

"Alright, I'll get up."

So he did. He walked over to me and I tousled his hair just to mess with him. He slipped on his boxers and a tee-shirt. Then he curled up into a ball on the floor again.

"You realize you forgot your pants?" I asked, laughing. I threw a pair of sweatpants at him.

"Yeah, I realize that."

He slipped on his pants and shoes. I had everything ready and by that time, Taylor was actually functional. We headed out the door and checked out. Taylor had his car at our apartment so we both just shared my car in order to get to the apartment. In fact, today was going to be just based on finishing up unpacking. Moving furniture. Organizing boxes. Blah blah blah.

So we got to the apartment and walked on in. All of the boxes were in there, which was a relief. No more moving trucks, thank goodness. So we started off in our bed room. With much money saved up over a period of time, we had bought a lot of furniture. And of course, of of those pieces of furniture was our bed. Taylor began to take things out and build the bed. We had part of it made up already from the past time we were here.

"Where are our sheets and the mattress and all of that?" I asked.

"They should be by the front deck."

So I went and grabbed them and lied them against our bed room wall. The black and yellow comforter would go really well with the red walls.

While Taylor finished up the bed, I put food in the pantry and other kitchen things in the drawers. Out of the nowhere, I heard a knock on the door. It was weird because I hadn't been expecting company and not many people had even known of our address at this point. I walked up to the from door and answered it. To my surprise, it was Drew. But it wasn't just Drew. He had Melany with him. He had his arm wrapped around her, but yet was smiling at me.

"Hi," He said.

"Hi Drew. What are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to stop by and say hello."

"I hope you don't mind that I'm here," Melany snapped. I opened up the door as a signal for them to come in. They walked on in and sat on the couch. Luckily, most of our living room had been set up at this point. I offered them something to drink, but they denied. So I ended up calling Taylor in and we all sat down and talked. I could tell Taylor was just as uncomfortable as I had been this entire time.

"It's a nice apartment," Drew said breaking the awkward silence.

"Thanks, it really suits us."

It was very awkward with Melany there, but all four of us managed to hold a decent conversation for awhile until of course, we reached the awkward silence at some point. We all just sat there waiting for someone to say something. So Drew kind of broke it off by saying they had to go.

"Well umm..." He searched for any excuse "Melany and I have some errands to run."

"Yeah, we have to get back to work," I responded.

We all said goodbye and once they headed out the door, I was so thankful. It was the most awkward situation I had been put in for awhile. I had gotten up to go back to the kitchen, but Taylor stopped me. He had grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down to him.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I sat on his lap. I rubbed the top of his hand to comfort him.

"Nothing," He stated, "I just realized we haven't talked much about a honeymoon."

I realized that too, but I just didn't think now was the time. After all, we already had enough financial struggles with buying this apartment and all of the wedding stuff. Taylor and I both had good jobs, but they weren't going to buy us everything in the world.

"Taylor, I know that. But I just don't know if we have the money."

"I get that, Rianne. But summer is here and the time is perfect now. We could find the perfect place, just you and I."

Taylor grabbed my laptop and came back to the couch. I sat in his lap, with the laptop on my lap.

"Alright," Taylor said "If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?"


I knew it was Italy without a doubt. I'd always wanted to go there. Taylor searched it and found some deals. I wasn't completely satisfied with any of it. If anything, I was still scared. Taylor was positive we'd be fine with money, but I wasn't. Do you even know how much weddings and apartments cost? They're not cheap.

"Oh, what about this? There's a flight from Dallas, Texas to Venice on August 10th. That's two months away."

I layed back on Taylors chest. Why didn't we plan this earlier?

"I just don't know babe," I moaned.

"Listen babe," Taylor comforted me by playing with my hair "I know it's rough, but there's lots of ways we'll get money in two months. We buy the tickets. Over the next two months, fans will send in money. We'll have our jobs. Maybe we can even offer to work extra hours since we don't have any other plans. Our parents can pitch in money."

"You have a good point. I'm just nervous."

"Yeah, I am too. But this is something that I really think will be good for us. Just imagine it."

I turned around so I was still sitting on Taylors lap, but I was facing him with my legs wrapped around his waist. He leaned in and placed a gentle soft kiss below my left ear. He whispered to me "Just imagine us in Venice and everything would be the way it was last night. Romantic. Perfect. Just you and I."

Chills were sent up my spine. I could picture it all. It made me excited just thinking about it. Maybe this Venice thing was a good idea. Maybe we really did need to get away. Just something for the two of us.

Authors note:

459k is pretty rad, just saying. Anyways honey bunches of oats, I'm sorry that this was a boring chapter, but I just needed a filler in chapter. Next chapter will hopefully be a lot better. Also, here's a list of my social medias if you feel like seeing my life outside of this app....

Vine: RyRy Carter

Snapchat: @ryry_carter214

Kik: @rcarter214

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much love,


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