Chapter 8

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Taylor's pov:

Yeah, I know that it'd only been a week that we'd been back together, but it seemed like it had been forever. When you think about it, we have had some type of relationship with each other for four years if you think about ever since the trip and the rest of our high school years. I was in love with Rianne. Yeah, I've said it a lot, but every time I say it, I mean it. But here's the reason why I'm saying right now. Rianne was the girl that I pictured being with for the rest of my life. She was the girl I wanted to have a family with and to grow old with. All of that stuff is a commitment and I am committed to my love for her.

But what is commitment when it comes to love? That's for you to decide, but what does it mean to me? Commitment is asking Rianne that one question. The one question that you'll never forget. The question that's so life changing and affects so many other things. The commitment for love is the question...

"Will you marry me?"

As much as I wanted to ask her that special question, there was one problem. Was I rushing it? I didn't know if it was the right time to do it since we'd only been back together for a week. I loved her so much and she said she loved me. We even talked about what we'd name our kids. I didn't care if we were just in college.

Rianne's pov:

So tonight Taylor was taking me out on an official date. We've been dating for a week now and all of my love for him from our trip came back to me. I really knew that Taylor was the one.

"What should I wear?" I asked him over the phone.

"Just something casual. I'm sure you'll look beautiful no matter what," He said. I smiled.

"Alright, see ya in a bit."

"Bye, see ya gorgeous."

I hung up and looked through my closet. It was chilly out so I went with some dark red skinny jeans, a crème colored laced top with a dark red cardigan to go over it. I put on some mascara and lip gloss. I decided to not do much makeup. I finished everything up with some crème colored toms and put my hair up into a high pony tail. I took one last look in the mirror. Perfect. My phone said it was 5:55 so I knew Taylor would be here in any minute.

I finally heard a knock on the door. I went to answer it and saw Taylors smile right as I opened it. He pulled me in to a hug and his soft hair brushed up against my cheek. His strong arms wrapped around my waist bringing me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck playing with the ends of his hair. He kissed my neck and then whispered in my ear "You look gorgeous tonight,"

"Thanks babe," I smiled as I pulled back from the hug. I slipped on my red and gray plaid coat and buttoned it up. We finally reached Taylor's range rover. I went to the passengers seat. Before I could even reach for the door, Taylor scurried over and opened up the door for me. I thanked him. Gosh, he was such a gentlemen. It was adorable. I sat down and Taylor got in and started up the car.

"So I know it's a bit cold tonight, but I really haven't been here in forever. I really wanted to take you to the zoo tonight."

"The zoo?!" I yelped. I sounded like a little kid, but I loved the zoo. I hadn't been there in forever and me and Taylor used to go to the zoo in Indiana all of the time! This was going to bring back so many memories.

"Well I can tell you're excited." Taylor winked.

I nodded and we headed off. The ride seemed to take forever, but just talking to Tay passed the time. We listened to music too until we finally got to the zoo. Since it was late, there weren't many people there. It made it sweeter and less frustrating to get around and crowd people. A lady stamped our hands and gave us a wristband. We walked in and Taylor held on to my hand.

"Where should we go to first?" He asked.

"What about the lions and tigers and all of that jazz?"

Tay nodded and we headed over to a big complex. There were more cars than I could imagine. Taylor had his arm around me, but walked away from me. I was looking at a group of baby tiger cubs. Taylor looked at something else until he yelled "Rianne, look there are some pumas!"

I laughed and went over to him. Taylor turned to me making the puma face. (I know it has the two dots above the 'u' but my computer wont let me put those...) Taylor took out his phone and took a picture of the pumas and sent it to Cameron and Nash. I could just picture them seeing it and laughing. It really made my night.

"I remember when we all used to say puma all the time." I smiled bringing back memories.

"Those were the best days." He smiled and pulled me closer to him. He kissed my cheek and then we took a selfie with the pumas. They growled and then I realized it was on flash. A man came up to me and started yelling at us.

"Don't you know the rules?! No flash camera around the animals!"

Taylor and I held back our laughs and put our phones back in our pockets. We walked out of the cat complex and then went to the aquarium. We saw turtles and sharks and many other things. My favorite part was a big dome. You could just look up and the ceiling was blue water with a stingray grazing above you. It gave me chills, but it was still spectacular. I laid down next to Taylor and we stared up to the domed aquarium ceiling. He wrapped his arm around me and stroked my hair.

I remembered when we were in fifth grade and we went to the zoo in Indiana. A lady tried to get Taylor and I to touch a starfish. Our mothers tempted us to, but we were so scared. We cried and held on to each other for dear life. We both finally touched it and then afterwards we thought we were so cool. It's a funny memory and every time I go to the aquarium, that's what we think of.

"Thanks for everything tonight Taylor,"

"You're welcome Rianne. I love you,"

"I love you too,"

It really was a great night. We got up and went to a few more places before we left. Taylor and I shared a sherbert ice cream. It was sweet and tangy and I ate almost all of it before he could get many bites. We finally left at about eight o'clock when the zoo closed. Taylor ended the date by buying me a pink stuffed animal turtle. I held it in my arms and smiled.

"I'll name it Rilor."

"For Rianne and Taylor?"

"Of course," I smiled. I put Rilor in the back seat and Taylor started the range rover. We headed off back home.

I couldn't be any happier. Not with Drew. Not with Grant. Not with Jack. Only Taylor. That was final.

Authors note:

Thanks for 14.7k! I love all of you honey bunches of oats! Please help me to get A Summer We Wont Forget to 1M!<3 Anyways, comment your thoughts and what you think Taylor should do. Should he ask that question?(; I need your help to decide what I'll do! Love you<3

~love Ry <3 (:

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