Chapter 24

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Okay before I start this chapter, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I feel like some of you really hate me. I'm not asking for sympathy, but I just feel like that. I really love all of you and I try so hard to please you guys and make you happy, but sometimes I fail. I just need you guys to bear with me. I've been spending three hours each night on homework. I'm taking all honors classes and if I don't spend my time on homework, my college credit will go down. My music takes up a lot of my time. I haven't had much time lately and that's the reason I haven't been updating lately. So I'm really sorry if you guys are upset with me. I also hope you don't feel like I just use you for reads. Of course, the reads and votes are great, but I don't write for me. I write for you. I could care less about how happy I am with my amount of reads. As long as you're happy, I am happy too. Just try to understand where I'm at right now. I love you. Please understand that.


Rianne's pov:

My professor released class. Annessa was packing up her bag and organizing her notes. I couldn't look at her without thinking of Melany. I could see their similar features now. They weren't the type of twins where they look exactly alike, but they still looked similar.

I walked up to her and asked her if we could talk.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" Annessa asked.

"It's about Melany. Did she talk to you about...well you probably know."

"Yeah, I know. I didn't know you two already knew eachother, but apparently you two have a 'history'."

"I guess you could say that. Ever since she went to the Bahamas, she has tried to break up Taylor and I."

I knew I had to tell Annessa straight forward with her. I didn't know if Annessa hated me now.

"Listen Rianne, I want you to know something. I love Melany because she's my twin obvously, but what you don't understand is that just because we're twins, that doesn't make us exactly alike."

"What do you mean?"

"Well Melany and I are sort of two different people. This might sound bad, but I was always the favorite child. She was always sneaking out and having sex with every guy she could find. As for me, I wasn't ever like that and I tried to help her."

"So what are you trying to say?"

"All I'm trying to say is that I believe every word you're saying. Melany is my sister and I love her, but I wouldn't ever hate you for choosing a fight with her last night. She deserved it for once."

I smiled. I knew Annessa wasn't lying. She looked me straight in the eye as she said what she did. I always pictured twins as exactly the same, but Annessa and Melany weren't. They were almost opposite.

Annessa left for her dorm. She had a lot of studying to do that night. What was I going to do? Find Taylor and then go to see Bali. It had been a while since I'd seen her. Taylors class ended twenty minutes before mine so he mostly had time to meet me by my classroom when mine ended. I packed up my stuff, said goodbye to my professor and left the class. Of course, Taylor was standing there right outside the class.

"Hey baby," He said giving me a kiss.


"Ready to go see Bali?"

I nodded and looked at my phone. It was 5:20 and we told her we'd be there at 5:30. Taylor's fingers laced inbetween mine and we walked to her dorm. I don't know why, but I always got sad when I thought of Bali now. I know she was getting better, but she looked so frail and not the same anymore. It's like something about her wasn't Bali anymore. Half of her was just fear. You never saw her without her starting to cry and panic.

"Rianne, are you okay?" Taylor asked.

"I don't know,"

"Talk to me," Taylor said. He turned to me took off his bandana. He wiped the single tear that fell from my eye with his bandana. I smiled and bit my lip.

"Bali isn't the same,"

Taylor nodded. He told me the same thing he did everytime. I just had to pray and be a good friend. After all, what could I do? We had reached her dorm and we walked in. Bali was laying on her bed and Cameron sat on the edge. He played with her hair as she stared off into space.

"Hey guys," Cam said. Cameron looked tired. He was pale and his hair was a mess. He cared so much for Bali that he was hurting too.

"Hey Cam, is she doing alright?" I asked. Cameron got up and gave me a huge hug. I wrapped my arms around him and looked over at Bali. After Cameron had whispered in my ear "I don't know if she's okay,", Bali sat up. I smiled as her eyes met mine.



"Hi," She said and laid back down. I smiled at Taylor and we all went to sit on her bed. I looked at her colorless eyes. They were normally a bright blue, but they were now a dull gray. I sighed. We ended up talking for a good hour or so. Cameron left and came back with some Mcdonalds. We sat and ate and watched some youtube videos.

"How was class today?" Bali asked.

"Good. I talked to Annessa."

"That's nice," She said.

"Are you feeling okay?" Taylor asked.

That wasn't the right question for Taylor to ask. Right after he said it, Bali closed her eyes and started to breathe heavier. Her pulse was faster than normal and began to hold in her screams through gritted teeth.

"No! Grant! What's happening?! Please get me out of here! Someone help!"

I got closer to her and laced my hands on her shoulders. I tried to comfort her, but it was no use.

"Bali, it's okay! You're here with me and Cameron and Taylor! Calm down!"

"No! Someone help me! I can't get out, I'm trapped!"

Taylor and Cameron sat by her and helped. After a while, she calmed down and I looked at Cameron. He just sat there like it was normal. And it was normal. It was something that just happened so frequently now. These panic attacks. I hated seeing her like this, but I knew it would end eventually.

It was getting late so Taylor and I decided to leave. I wanted it to just be me and him. Sometimes, he was my only source of happiness. My only reason for smiling.

We walked into his room in silence. He hadn't said a word on our whole walk from Bali's dorm. Suddenly, he said something as we closed the door behind us.

"Would it be weird if we just kissed right now?"

"No, I think right now would be a perfect time." I laughed at his question.

My body was pressed up against the wall as Taylor came closer. His body melted into mine. My lips crashed into his. I needed this. I craved this. His hands gripped onto my waist and my hands fumbled from his back to his hair. His curls were tangled in my fingers, but I knew he liked it. He smiled and tightened his grip. He smiled through the kiss causing me to lose it.

"Taylor, I'm so happy I have you." I said through the kiss.

His lips moved to my neck and his hair tickled my cheek. I closed my eyes, forgetting everything I was going through.

"Not as happy as I am,"

"I don't believe you," I teased. Taylor broke the kiss and looked straight up at me.

"There's no way I can prove it. All you can do is believe it."

Authors note:

Hey honey bunches of oats(: Thanks for the support. I'll try to update soon. Love you.

Also I got a meow chat!! Message me... @ryancarter214 . I'll favorite you. (:

~love Ry (: <3

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