Chapter 10

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*Listen to With You by Chris Brown while reading this*

I promise you guys this is going to be the best chapter yet, so I have a favor to ask...

When you guys read this, make a vine of your reaction to it! I want to see your responses(: Tag me of course... RyRy Sydney Caniff. Thanks honey bunches of oats(:<3

Rianne's pov:

It was another weekend finally! It was a long week with a lot of quizzes. I was in my dorm room relaxing with a bag of doritos by my side. I had my laptop on my lap watching YouTube. I swear the combination of doritos and YouTube is heaven. I was in the middle of a video, when my phone rang. I looked at it to see that it was Taylor. I smiled and I picked it up.

"Hey," I said in a flirty tone.

"Hey baby, I wanted to take you out tonight."

"Well, I have to get ready first. Unless you want to see me with my hair unbrushed and a baggy shirt with sweatpants," I laughed.

"I'll be there at seven,"

"Well what are we going to do?" I asked.

"I have it all planned out, gorgeous. See you in a bit," Taylor sounded really nervous. Like really nervous. I mean, what did he have to be nervous about? I was a bit confused.

"Bye bye!!" I said. We hung up and I got up. I decided to lay off the doritos for a while. I set my laptop to the side and decided to first shower. I put some moisturizer in my hair and then blow dried my it when I got out. I brushed back my hair until all of the tangles were out. I let it go back in to my natural waves. I applied some mascara and a thin line of eyeliner. I put on some blush and then finished up with some clear lipgloss. I had definitely looked quite a bit better than I did when I was on my bed and relaxed.

I put on a plain turquoise blue v- neck tee shirt with a black tank top underneath it. I slipped on some black skinny jeans. I threw on a jacket and called Taylor to tell him that I was ready to go. He took a deep breath and I couldn't tell what he was feeling. I was hoping that this date wasn't going to be stressful.

A few minutes later Taylor knocked on the door and I opened it up. He wore a white button down shirt and khakis. He had the light smell of cologne on him which made me fantasize even more over how handsome he looked.

"Wow, you look...stunning." Taylor said. His arm wrapped his arms around my lower back bringing me closer to him. I put my hands on his shoulders and chest feeling his defined collarbones. He was warm and his cocoa brown eyes stared in to mine.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and he laced our fingers together. We walked out of the dorm and then out of the campus. As you guys may have guessed, the beach was our favorite place to go. It was just so calm and peaceful. The beack by our campus had a small cliff where you could go and sit on the edge of it watching the waves crash on to the shore. We took a long walk once we parked the car. We were half way up the hill.I sat down and breathed heavily. It was a fifteen minute walk so far, but Taylor was continuing to push forward and walk.

"Tay I can't walk any farther." I said. Taylor looked down at me and pulled me up off of the groud.

"Want a piggy back ride?" He asked smiling. I felt like a little girl again. It was cute and funny all at the same time. I nodded and Taylor turned so his back was facing me. I wrapped my arms around him and hopped up. I wrapped my legs around him. His arms wrapped around my upper legs to keep me from falling off. It felt perfect as I rested my head on his back snuggling in closer to him. Taylor had a strong grip on me.

"Taylor, it's okay, you don't have to carry me." I said feeling a bit bad.

"No baby, it's okay. I want to."

I smiled and we finally got up to the cliff. I got off of him and we sat down on the cliff. My legs dangled off of the sides and I felt a little queezy because of it. I laid down and put my head in Taylor's lap. I curled my legs up and felt him stroke my hair. I watched the sunset and enjoyed every second of being here.

"I love you Rianne,"

"I love you Taylor,"

Taylor took out a basket of food. In it were chocolate chip cookies, strawberries, grapes and rolos. I was so hungry. I sat up and faced Taylor placing the basket in between us. Taylor held up a rolo and asked "Catch it,"

I opened up my mouth and Tay gave it a quick toss. I leaned a bit to my left and caught it. I bit in to it savoring the sweet caramel that gushed from the chocolate. Taylor helped himself to a bunch of grapes and ate them all before I could grab one. I got him back by eating the juicy strawberries.

It was so fun, all of it. I loved being here with him eating sweets and watching the sunset. We sat there forever. Taylor looked out and took a deep breath.

"Rianne, there's something I want to show you." He said. Taylor grabbed the basket and we headed back down the hill. It was a little easier to get down than to get up. When we reached the bottom, Taylor grabbed a bandana from his pocket.

"I'll guide you, okay. Just trust me."

Taylor wrapped the bandana around my head covering my eyes. His hand held on to mine. I walked slowly following him. We seemed to be walking forever until we finally stopped. The soft sand sunk between my toes.

"Alright, we're here." Taylor took off the bandana and that's when it happened.

I was in complete shock. But it was good shock. I couldn't believe this was happening. I wanted to dance and jump up and down. I never knew anything could feel this good. In the sand, Taylor had taken a bunch of pebbles and shells and arranged them in the sand to say "Will you marry me?"

I put my hands over my mouth to keep myself from crying. But it was too late. The joyful tears streamed down my face. I looked at Taylor who kneeled down on one knee. He looked at me straight in the eyes and spoke.

"Rianne, I've never felt more in love with any girl in my life. You're the reason why I smile every day. You're the reason why I have butterflies in my stomach every day. I can't picture my life with out you. With out you, life is a blur. I know that in a relationship, it is real love when you can continue a fight. We've been torn down so many times, but we've gotten back up and we've still been in love. I want to let you know that I'll be here forever. Will you marry me?"

Taylor held out the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. He held it out in a small red velvet box. The ring was small with three diamonds in a row. The biggest one was in the middle and the ring itself was silver and had a bible verse engraved on the inside of it.

"Yes!" I said. Taylor slipped the ring on to my finger and it fit perfectly. He picked me up off of my feet and kissed me softly and sweetly. I ran my hands through his hair admiring everything about this moment. I was engaged.

I was ready for a commitment.

Authors note:

awwwww 30k!! i love you so much!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, make sure that you make a vine and tag me in it! Tell me what you think of the purposal and your reaction. I'll like it(: Not updating until 40k! Thanks again!

~love Ry (: <3

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