Chapter 21

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Rianne's pov:

It was the night. The night that it happened.

Bali's pov:

I don't remember much. I just remember flashing lights, a loud screech and then just a silent blackness. It was all so fast, so scary. I don't even know how to explain it.

-flash back- (I know it says she doesn't remember, but whatever)

Night mares had basically been filling my mind every single night. I had to get out of Florida just for a few days. So I listened to Rianne and left. But it's like I was doomed from the start.

I hopped in my car and started the engine. It let out a roar and I headed off taking a deep breath. I got off the main highways and then onto a lonely and empty road. I don't mean to make it sound so stereo typical, but that's how it was. It was eerie and dark and rainy. I turned up my radio a bit louder to block out the creepiness, but it didn't work.

I was going crazy.

I heard my phone ring, but my hands stuck to the steering wheel. I turned my head and saw it was just a text from Rianne and then another from Cam. I didn't get to read the text.  I would answer, but I didn't want to let go.

My instincts told me to pull off the side of the road. I thought the text might be important so I stepped on my brakes. But that's when it happened. I wouldn't stop. My car just kept going at 50 mph. I stepped a little harder, but nothing. I full on stomped on the brakes, but nothing happened. In fact, I was going faster and I was panicking.

60 mph.

70 mph.

80 mph.

I was now going 90 mph. I kept trying to wake up as if it was a dream, but it wasn't. My breaks wouldn't stop and I couldn't even slow down. I was breathing heavily and slamming my foot down over and over. Out of the nowhere, I panicked so much that I weirdly turned the wheel too much. I crashed down into a ditch. Flashes of light filled the car and I could feel it doing flips over flips over flips. A loud screech blasted my eardrums as I felt little shards of glass nip at my skin.

Total blackness.

Rianne's pov:

I sat in my dorm room heating up a microwavable meal. I could smell the alfredo and I slightly smiled. It beeped and I opened up the microwave as steam poured out. I peeled back the rest of the plastic covering and stirred. Just as I was about to take my first bite, I heard a pounding on the door. I jumped, sending my alfredo all over my pants. It was burning. I couldn't decide if I wanted to change or answer the door first. I decided to go to the door as my legs burned in pain.

It was Taylor.

"Rianne, Cam just got a call from the hospital...Bali's injured really badly."

I felt the pain take over me. Grant. He must've done this, whatever it was.

"What happened!? Is she going to be okay!?"

"I don't know, but we have to leave now." Taylor started to choke up. I had to change so Taylor waited there as I changed into some gray sweat pants. I jumped in anticipation and we finally ran down the hall. I held back my tears even though it was extremely hard. I knew it was just going to get harder, but I had to stay strong for Bali. After all, she must be in more pain than I was.

Taylor and I finally got to the hospital and we rushed in. I went to the main entry where I saw a doctor and all of my friends. I only went up to Cameron. I could tell how much pain he was in. His face was red with tears. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around me and his tears soaked my shirt. I stayed there forever as Cameron and I hugged eachother.

"Cameron, is she going to be okay?" I asked still holding in a lot of my tears and pain.

"I- I don't know, R-Rianne." He said. We looked over at the doctor. She sighed and introduced herself as Dr. Hill.

"I'd tell you hpw she's doing, but I'll let you see for yourselves. We can only have three quests at a time."

We all looked at eachother trying to decide who should come up. Every knew that me and Cameron should go since I was her best friend and Cameron was her boyfriend. Kayleigh decided to come up and everyone else waited patiently downstairs.

Dr. Hill lead us upstairs and began to talk to us.

"I need all of you to know that Bali is in critical condition. So she may not be able to interact with you right now." I nodded. My legs felt like jelly as we walked up the huge flights of stairs. Cameron was silent. I looked over at Kayleigh who was trying to hold back her tears.

We finally got to room 606. There were doctors crowding Bali, but I barely got a glimpse of her. She had a huge brace on her neck. Her body shook, but her eyes were closed. SO many machines were connected to her. Her body was plastered in cuts and bruises, especcially a big cut along the side of her neck. Her dark hair was pushed off to the side revealing more cuts and bruises.

I broke down. I practically fell onto Kayleigh. She caught me and we hugged for the longest time. She cried as well, but my cries came out as loud sobs. You could hear my cries from down the hallway. I didn't know if my best friend was dead. Or atleast close to her death. She just looked half gone. Dr. Hill must've heard my cries. She came out of Bali's room and pulled me awayfrom Kayleigh. She brought me to another room and placed her hands on my shoulders. I still cried.

"Honey, calm down. It's going to be alright."

"No, it's not! Do you see her? She looks lifeless!"

"She's still alive and that means you cannot lose hope, okay!?"

"Dr. Hill, I'm losing hope every day. Nobody has even told me how this happened to Bali..."

Dr. Hill took a deep breath and began to speak. I couldn't stop crying now matter how hard I tried. My eyes stung and my whole body shook.

"It was a car wreck, but nobody hit her. She wasn't drunk either. We examined the car and somehow the brakes were completely messed with. We're 99.9% sure that's the problem. The car fell down into a ditch near the road. We're thinking Bali just panicked."

I looked down and nodded. I knew Bali had been acting strange, weird and funny all at the same time. She was panicky all the time.

"That freak has to go to jail," I muttered under my breath thinking of Grant.

"What?" Dr. Hill asked.

"Grant Markus. He obviously caused this." I said loud and clear. My tears were finally gone although my eyes stung terribly.

"Let me remind you that nobody crashed into Bali." Dr. Hill said.

I stood up straight and crossed my arms. I looked at Dr. Hill right in the eyes and began to speak.

"Well let me remind you that those brakes could have broken on their own. Second of all, let me remind you that Grant had tried to hurt me and my friends over twenty times. Third of all, let me remind you that he threatened me to hurt one of my friends. I know this is what he meant by hurting them. He chose Bali."

"Listen, we have no proof. I'm appriciative that you're trying to help, but we can't punish Grant without any proof."

I was sick of this 'no proof' talk. I was sick of it! Every time something bad happened, they never believed me that it was Grant. But it always was! I don't care if there's proof. Grant is always the cause. He's always going to be the cause! I walked away from Dr. Hill and broke down again as I caught a look at Bali. This time, the doctors were gone.

Every minute, I was losing more and more hope.

Author's note:

Hey honey bunches of oats! Thanks for 250k(: I hope you enjoyed this..

Anyways, I'm really sorry for not updating as much, but I promise to try harder. I love you all so much.

~love Ry(:<3

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