Chapter 13

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FIRST TO ANNOUNCE THE WINNERS FOR THE BOYS DATES TO THE WEDDING! First Id like to say, all of you did amazing and I wish I could please you all, but I only had 5 parts. Love you!

@i_love_aaron- Aaron
@abalbo- JC
@katelynn_caniff- Sam
@simplykatt_- Jacob
@kreidster- Jack J

Thanks again to everyone who participated!!


Rianne's pov:

Everyone decided to leave Taylor and I alone for a while. We needed some alone time to figure out what we were going to do about Grant's return. We were just walking around to no specific place. Just around a nearby lake. I found a place to sit down. Taylor grabbed my hand and we leaned up against an oak tree.

"Baby, it's going to be okay. I promise." Taylor said stroking my hair. I leaned over and rested my head on his chest. I didn't know what to say. I wanted to believe that we'd be okay, but I just couldn't get myself to believe it. I closed my eyes knowing how much this wedding meant to me. Grant couldn't cancel it.

"Taylor, I'm scared. It's so hard to believe in us being okay."

Taylor was about to say something when someone stopped us. A figure slowly moved towards us and my heart stopped. He said he knew where we were and he wasn't lying. He knew exactly where we were.

Grant was here.

Taylor automatically stood up, his fists clenching revealing a few of his veins slightly showing through his skin. He stood strong and faced Grant.

"Oh look here. Rianne and her innocent boyfriend Taylor. You all thought you were safe. Four years passed since the trip and apparently, I was just gone? How funny of you to believe that. I never am gone. I always come back until I get what I want."

"Grant, what do you want? You've always tried to fight for something, but you never said what it was." I said.

"I think you know what I want. Two and for your boyfriend gone."

Without even saying anything, Grant lunged at Taylor. His fist just about to smash into his chest. Before he could, Taylor caught his fist in his hand and held it. Taylor used his other hand to quickly lunge for Grant's throat. Taylor's hand met Grants throat. Grant stumbled back a few feet coughing, but quickly was breathing normally again. Taylor continued and I just watched hugging my knees in fear. Taylor repeatedly pushed at Grant until Grant gave up and fell to the ground. Taylor wasn't done and I didn't try to stop him. Taylor continuously kicked at Grant's ribs and at his sides. Grant's jaw clenched in pain and he screamed through gritted teeth. He clenched onto his side and I wanted to look away in fear of Taylor getting in trouble. I knew that Taylor was just doing this to protect me and I couldn't stop him. Taylor finally stopped when Grant yelled out loud "Stop!"

Taylor stopped and Grant slowly managed to get back up. I could tell he was in pain. Some blood stained his white shirt. Taylor didn't have one scratch which made me happy.

"I'm warning you, Grant. Stay away from us. You will not win. I promise you, you wont. Stay away."

Grant could barely stand. He started to walk away and didn't say anything. I just watched him as he slowly disappeared. Taylor looked at me as I was in shock. What was I supposed to say? My lips were barely parted and Taylor pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Don't be sorry."

"How can I make it up to you? I didn't want for you to witness that."

Taylor's beautiful brown eyes looked into mine begging me to not be upset. I wasn't upset. He didn't need to make up anything.

"Taylor, you don't-"

Taylor cut me off and pushed me up against the tree. I smiled forgetting everything that just happened. His hands rested on my waist bringing him closer to me. I felt him moving closer as his lips met mine. Our lips matched perfectly and I wrapped my arms around his neck playing with his hair. I lightly slouched against the tree and he lightly kissed my neck. I closed my eyes and we pulled away from the kiss.

"Did that make up for it?" He asked winking.

"You didn't have to make up for anything, but I do like your kisses." I blushed. I stepped away from the tree and into the sunlight. I pulled over my hoodie and Taylor's hand laced with mine. We walked together to his car where I finally felt safe.

I wondered what Grant was thinking. Was he scared? Was he planning on returning? Was he talking to Drew? The anticipation took over me making me shake. Taylor rested his hand on my knee and I tried not to show my fear. It was difficult. He tried to comfort me, but everything was just so shocking. Drew and Grant could be coming up with a major plan yet I didn't even know what they wanted. I could sense Grant's fear when Taylor beat him.

Drew's pov:

Grant came to me clenching his stomach which was a tiny bit bloody. This was about Taylor. He told me he was going to try and hurt Taylor. This was finally our time, but it looks like he didn't have luck. Taylor got the best out of Grant.

Grant rested on my couch and told me everything. He even admitted to being scared which didn't happen often. Grant barely got scared. But the thought came to me.

What if Rianne and Taylor had a plan to come back at us?

Should we have a plan? Should we back off. Every day, Taylor was getting stronger and I knew within the click of a button, the could call the police. It was scary, but we had to make a plan soon.


Authors note:

Hey honey bunches of oats! Thanks for 77k! Not updating until 90k(; Anyways,
ASWWF is almost to 1M! Thanks so much(: love you! Comment your thoughts!

~love Ry(:<3

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