Chapter 25

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Okay, before I get started, this is just sort of a filler in chapter. Sorry if it's boring, but there's some info that you should probably know in here.

Riannes pov:

The day started off with me waking up at 10:30. It was a Saturday, thank you God. The bright sun peaking through my window blinds almost blinded me. I groaned, remembering that Taylor was coming over today so that we could talk about some stuff. Don't worry, it's nothing bad. Just really boring... financial stuff.

I really wish Sara could've helped, but she was out with Carter and his mom for brunch.

I heard a knock on my door and I could tell it was Taylor. You knew it was Taylor when someone was trying to make a beat on your door. I opened it for him and he came on inside with his laptop.

"Did you just wake up?" He laughed, looking at me.

"Hey, shut up. It's Saturday and I enjoy my sleep," I snapped back. I hit his shoulder. Taylor gave me a quick kiss on the lips and looked at me.

"I'm just messing with you, Ri. You look gorgeous."

"Same to you, Tay."

He sat down on the bed and leaned up against the wall. I sat on his lap and rested my head on his chest. We then took out his laptop and set it on my lap so we could do some research.

So basically the wedding was in three weeks. We had already taken care of all the payments and stuff, but we still had a lot of other stuff that needed to be taken care of. After all, I didn't even have a job right now. I was in college working towards getting a job, but I needed a small job to get some money right now. Same with Taylor.

Our biggest thing right now was finding an apartment. When Taylor and I get married, we want to live together, obviously. Nothing too fancy. I just want to wake up every day to see the love of my life.

We went to google a searched up hotels nearby where we lived. There were a few that popped out to us, but of course we had to be careful with price and making sure it was close to our campus.

We looked through about five different places until we found one that really popped out. Taylor clicked on it and asked me "What about this one?"

It was called Harper Valley. We looked at it and we were pretty pleased. Taylor strokes my hair as I scroll through pictures. It looked pretty decent so I decided to give them a call. I put it on speaker so that Taylor could over hear. In the end, the lady set up a meeting so that we'd be able to get a tour. Taylor kept smiling. After all, this was a start and if we were really ready, we could be moved in within the next couple weeks. The night of the wedding, we planned on staying at a suite, which costs a lot of money. Apparently, it was very fancy. But after that, we'd move in. I loved picturing my life like this.

I shut the laptop and pushed it to the side. I cuddled into Taylor's lap, wrapping my arms around his torso. He pulled me in closer and planted kisses on my forehead. I smiled and closed my eyes. Of course, Taylor being the flirty Taylor he was, encourages me to kiss him back. I scooted up so I faced him. I was looking down at him so my hair was tickling his face. He laughed and pushed it out of his face. I leaned down and his grip on my waist tightened. His soft lips collided into mine. So warm. Soft. The slight taste of mint. Everytime we kissed, I thought about how lucky I was. I thought about how when we were teenagers, every girl wanted him. He could've chosen so many other girls who could've given him so much more, but he chose me. I was the one that felt his soft lips.

"You know, this is my favorite feeling in the world," Taylor whispered to me, his lips brushing up against my ear.

I rolled over on my side and propped myself up on one elbow. Taylor did the same and we began talking. It had been awhile since we'd had one of those really good long sentimental moments. Not one of those cheesy conversations, but one of those conversations where you're so open and honest about the world. Then there'd the occasional laughs. I honestly don't even know how we started to talk about what we were talking about.

"Remember a few years back when there was the video of you falling on stage?" I asked, giggling.

"Rianne, that was humilating."

"Hey, sometimes you have to laugh at yourself. If you think back to that and be upset, you won't do any good for yourself,"

"Honestly, I don't know how you say the right things at the right time," Taylor smiled "It annoys me how you make such better speeches than I could ever make."

"Taylor, seriously. You just have to laugh at yourself. If you spend your whole life crying because of embarrasing moments, you'll end up wasting your life. But if you laugh at yourself, you don't have to worry about other peoples judgements."

"And there goes your good speech," Taylor said.

I gave him a hit on the shoulder.

"Thanks Taylor, but I only say it to make you happy,"

Then that conversation went on to talking about Taco Bell and debating about which burrito was the best. To be honest, I don't understand our conversations much. But I like them. I got up and made myself a sandwich. Taylor got on the laptop and searched random youtube videos. While I was finishing up making my sandwich, Annessa called.


"Rianne, I've got some news!" Annessa squealed.


"I don't think you'll have to worry about Melany and Taylor. Apparently she's found someone new and she hasn't talked about Taylor in ages."

"Oh, thank goodness. I almost forgot about that."

"Yeah, apparently his name is Drew. She met him on campus."

Drew? Okay, there's about ten million Drews in the world, but there aren't that many Drews on campus. Drew was my friend and if Melany had something with him, I was done.

"Wait, Drew who?"

"Hmm, I think it's Drew P-P-Peterson. Maybe, I'm wrong?"


"Ah yes, that's it. She showed me a pic of him and he looks like a sweetheart. Atleast she won't have anything to do with you or Taylor any more."

"Drew Patterson!?" I asked again. Taylor looked over at me and asked if I was alright. I gave him the 'wait a minute' gesture so he knew I'd tell him later.

"Yeah, Drew Patterson. Is everything okay?" Annessa asked.

"You realize Drew is my ex and he's one of my friends. He basically hates anyone I hate," I simply stated.

I heard Annessa groan over the phone. Well, here goes talking to Drew.

Authors note:

Thanks for 360k(: I'm so sorry for not updating. Schools been a pain in the booty): Love you all.

~love Ry (: <3

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