Chapter 17

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Rianne's pov:

It was when I got home that I saw something. My anger took over me. Why would  he do this? He could get into really big trouble.

"Taylor!" I yelled.

Yeah, I know what all of you guys are thinking right now. What happened? Did he cheat? Is he having sex with anothere girl? Is he talking badly behind my back? Well, let me tell you as thankful as I am that he wasn't cheating on me, I was still very mad. I walked in to find Taylor there with Grant. They were sitting on the couch like buddies and I automatically knew they were high. The musty smell of marijuana filled the air. Taylor kept laughing and looking around the room having no idea about anything.

"Taylor!" I yelled again.

"Heyyy Rianne, look at the ceiling. There's a green cat on it." He laughed as he pointed to the ceiling. As gullible as I was, I looked at the ceiling and there was clearly not a green cat. I rolled my eyes. Taylor was high and hallucinating. I looked over at Grant. I'm surprised I didn't think of this earlier, but Grant had to have something to do with this. He did this as a revenge. He must've tricked Taylor into using weed or overdosing on something.

I ran over and the first thing I did was sweep the greenish brown leafy mixture into my hand and threw it away. I washed my hands, coughing at the disgusting smell of it. I was already feeling a bit light headed. I looked over at Grant just sitting there. Oh, he was going to get it. I was done.

Then I looked over at Taylor who was yelling at the blank ceiling "Come here kitty kitty!"

I got some air freshener and sprayed it everywhere hoping that the smell of marijuana would go away. I ran over to Taylor grabbing his hands which were attempting to catch the cat on the ceiling.

"Taylor, stop! There's no freaking cat on the ceiling!"

Taylor looked at me with a blank expression. Oh, I was mad. He could get in big trouble. I know he was tricked into this, but he could still get kicked out of campus. He could have to go back to Indiana. I bit my lip in fear. Taylor tilted his head in confusion.

"Ha, now there's a purple squirrel on the wall!" He pointed and I rolled my eyes. I got up from my seat and went over to Grant. He sat there, his eye brows furrowed, his arms crossed, his mouth revealing a slight smirk of victory. I stood infront of him so that he was looking up at me.

"How could you! How did you do this?" I said yelling. Taylor didn't even noticed. He was in a daze.

"Oh Rianne Marie Oliver, I'm smart. I told you that already and you just didn't seem to believe me. But sadly for you, I can get anything to happen to anyone. You know that as well. I took you away to that small cabin. Sucess. I found out you were in Florida. Sucess. And now, I got Taylor high so he might possibly be kicked out of the campus. Sucess. And this time, you cannot get out of it. I've already called security."

I looked at him, my face red. I was done. I was just done. I couldn't help, but fight back this time. Even if I got introuble, I could let him have anymore succeses. I had my hand out and brought my arm back. I swung it forward so that my palm met his cheek with a stinging slap. But I wasn't done. My anger was still raging. I could feel it buzzing through my veins. I lunged forward pushing him off the couch. He tried to fight back, but my body took control. I screamed and continuously punched at his chest and his face. I pinned him down kicking at his ribs and everywhere I could reach. He yelled through his teeth which were  from his clenched jaw. I couldn't stop.

Eventually though, it got to the point where he was weak. He couldn't even get up off the floor. He layed there, his arms and legs sprawled out. He looked up at me with his eyes half closed.


He didn't even say anything. He had his eyes closed. As unrealistic as it sounds, he coughed and a trail of blood slid down his cheek from his mouth. He was still breathing, but weak. I had no regrets. I looked at Taylor who was slowly recovering from being high.

"Where'd the purple squirrel go?"

I was so thankful that security had not gotten there yet. I thought that they would have by now. But before they could, I called them again. They answered and I was breathing heavily trying to tell them the whole truth without crying. They listened silently as I told them everything I saw.

"Ma'am calm down. We're still on our way, but we believe you."

I sighed in relief and hung up. I walked over at Taylor. I think he was a bit sober now. I felt some tears roll down my cheek. I hated Grant. I hated the fact that he almost got Taylor kicked out.

"Dude, what just happened?" Taylor asked me. We were both light headed.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Taylor stayed silent.

Taylor's pov:

"It's all coming back to me." I said. The marijuana. The weird halucinations. How did it all happen? I told Rianne everything.

I got back to my dorm when I saw something by the floor. It was a carton filled with brownies. There was a cute little note on the top of the brownies. Hey baby, made these just for you(: enjoy!! I grabbed one and took a bite. Wow, they were really good. I ate it all and ended up eating another. Little did I know, the brownies were not from Rianne. They were from Grant. How he got in my room, I don't know. But he was hiding somewhere in there. I sat down on the couch and it all began to kick in. The hallucinations. I didn't know that Grant put marijuana in them. (Yes people, drug addicts actually put crap in their brownies. Like whett, just enjoy your food without killing yourself...) Grant showed up, but I was too high to even notice.

I cannot believe anything right now.

Authors note:

hello honey bunches of oats(: thanks for 153k. i'm in australia right now && luckily, I got to update. anyways, did you guys expect that? love you

so i'm gonna start something new. let's get to know eachother. not in a stalker way, but after every chapter, i'm going to ask a question. you guys can answer && i'll answer too. so here it goes....

how old are you honey bunches of oats? i'll be 14 in july(: 9th grade baby<3

¬love Ry(:<3

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