Chapter 27

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One more day.

 Seriously, just one more day until the wedding. It was all I could think about, as well as Taylor. Everyone kept mentioning it and everything was perfectly set up. Taylor and I had the apartment. Yeah, I apologize for not talking much about that. But everything was great and all of our friends and relatives were down in Florida.

 So I woke up and made some hot tea to calm myself down. I had classes that day, but they ended early around noon. Thank god for only a week of classes left before summer vacation. Once I finished my noon classes, everyone was going up to the church for rehearsal which would take us awhile.

 So I went to class in sweats and a tank top, as usual. I took notes for our final exam. The professor scolded us. The daily typical routine of class. By 12:08, it was finally over.

 I hopped in my car and rushed off to the church. Our relatives all swarmed over to Taylor. Our aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and basically everyone was there. Leslie and Christopher were both there as well as some of their other employees who were there to help organize stuff. (In case you don’t remember, Christopher was their photographer in Chapter 19 who had the crazy style)

 Christopher rushed to me and his style was different from last time, but still different. He had platinum blonde hair that was quiffed in the front with dark brown tips. His tongue was still pierced and he still had the fake contact nash blue eyes. He also had a chinese dragon tattoo all up his left arm. His big fancy camera was slung across his chest.

 “Aw sweetheart, are you ready for the big day!?”

 “I sure am,” I said as he gave me a hug. After that, I gave Taylor a hug. I ran to him and his strong arms wrapped around me. I nuzzled my head into his chest and whispered “Tomorrow.”

 Soon, Leslie was clapping her hands.

 “Chop chop everyone,” She yelled “Time to get to work!”

 We all got into our places and it took us quite awhile just to know how we were supposed to walk up to the front. What order? How fast? Where to look? It was like a play or a musical. Everything was so precise. Our biggest problem was our ring bearer and flower girl. Lilian was my neighbors daughter, a girl I used to always babysit. She was three and had blonde ringlet curls. Then there was her older brother William who was five and was basically a clone of Lilian. They were cuties, but Lilian kept dumping the flower petals on her head and laughing when they’d tickle her face. William would bolt quickly up to the front, pretending to be a race car.

 “Lilian Paige Tepley! William Douglas Tepley! You obey these nice fellows before I spank both of your bottoms!”

By then they focused although I was laughing. They were cuties. After them, we had all of the bridesmaids and groomsmen all partnered up. They all walked down. We eventually got done with that by 2:30 and we just had a late lunch. We ordered a few pizzas and scarfed them down quickly. Aterwards, Leslie showed me and the bridesmaids the dressing room while Christopher showed Taylor and the groomsmen their dressing rooms. Leslie hadn't lost her peppy attitude yet although we'd been working for a few hours by this point.

It was just shortly after that Leslie pulled me off to the side. For once she didn't look aeryll peppy and excited. Her tight hair bun was now loose with little strands slipping out. She pressed her lips together and brushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"Are you and Drew alright?" She asked, concerned.

"You heard, didn't you?"

"Every bit. He's been upset."

So I told her my point of view. I know in the beginning I wasn't that big of a fan of Leslie, but now I had much trust in her. I told her every piece of me and Melany's past and she just stood there in shock. In the meantime, everyone was packing up getting ready to go home. Once I finished, Leslie spoke.

"Well, I'm sure Drew's attending your wedding, but I'm not sure about Melany."

"I don't want her there. Please Leslie, it's my special night."

"Drew knows that. I'm sure he'll make the right choice, okay? Don't fret too much, darling."

I nodded and we walked out of the church building. The warm Florida breeze blew back my hair. I gave everyone goodbye hugs. I realized I hadn't seen Taylor much all day even though this whole day was for us. I could see his big brown eyes staring at me from the corner of my eye I couln't help but smile to know that this was less than twenty four hours away. I turned and went over to Taylor.

"Well today was quite a hussle, wasn't it?" Tay laughed.

"I must agree. But, it's all worth it, isn't it?"

Taylor nodded and wrapped his arm around me. We started walking to my car. I was giving Taylor a ride since he caught a ride with his friends here. I strapped my seatbelt and started up my car. Taylor looked over at me.

"I'm guessing you don't have much left in your dorm, don't you?"

"No, it's all at our apartment. I just have one tiny suitcase to last me one more day."

"God Rianne, you realize tomorrow's going to be a whole new life for the both of us right?"

I nodded and smiled. I also remembered the hotel suite Taylor and I are staying in tomorrow. Shivers went down my spine in excitment. It was supposed to me the biggest and most romantic suite in town. Perfect for the wedding night. It was perfect silent between Taylor and I as I thought about it.

"Any plans for tonight?" Taylor asked.

"Just studying," I sighed.

Taylor groaned.

"Really?" He started "Because I was thinking..."

"Cuddling and netflix?" I finished off his sentence.

"You know me so well."

"Once I finish studying, I'll go to your dorm."

"Sounds like a plan, babe," Taylor said and kissed my cheek. I blushed.

So I parked my car and went up to my dorm. I studied a good hour for my test and when I finally finished, it was about eight. I went on my to Taylors dorm. I didn't even have to knock. I just walked on in and hopped on his bed. We grabbed his laptop and clicked on old episodes of American Horror Story. The usual past-time for us. Taylor pulled me in closer and we pulled the covers over us and watched Tate Langdon be his cute self.

"Tomorrow," Taylor whispered.


Authors note:

Sorry for the boring chapter but thanks for 422k! I love you so much! Next chapter will be good(: Anyways, I'm meeting the Jacks in 17 days... (; wish me luck. maybe I'll be on their snapchats!

~love Ry(:<3

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