Chapter 3

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Taylor's pov:

So basically I thought that Drew was going to charge at me at that very second. I could almost feel his fist slamming in to my chest and making me fall to the ground. I just sat there waiting and waiting. But nothing happened. I tried to create conversation with him. 

"So where do you come from?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"You like college so far?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Well I hope that college goes well," I said.

"Can you please stop talking?" He faced me and I could tell he was frustrated. I shut my mouth and decided to leave the dorm room. I didn't really know where I wanted to go.

I was out in the hallway when I saw Rianne again. She was sitting outside her door. If I talked to her, would she get mad? Would she go off on how I didn't come with her in the beginning? Should I take the risk? I slowly walked over to her and sat down next to her. She was crying.

"Are you alright?" I asked her. She looked up at me and her eyes were bloodshot from the tears.

"I broke up with Drew."


She hesitated. I didn't know whether to feel happy or upset. Was I the cause of their break up? I knew she'd hate me if I was and that's the last thing I wanted. I was her best friend.

"I can't do this. I'm always stuck in some type of love triangle. Do you know that feeling when you just want to be happy without something getting in the way?"

"I really didn't want to ruin anything."

"You didn't ruin anything. I shouldn't have fallen for Drew. I shouldn't fall for anyone."

"Why shouldn't you? You're loved by so many people."

"Falling in love? Because everything that falls breaks..."

Rianne got up and started to walk away. She was breaking? Breaking. Breaking. Breaking.

Rianne's pov:

I started to walk away when I felt someone grab on to my hand and pull me back down. I turned around and saw Taylor's brokenness. I was just staring at him and I felt like he was begging for me to not leave. I turned around and sat back down. I rested my head on his shoulder. It was just in a friend way, but it still felt right.

"Rianne, I know you probably are feeling awkward about this, but can you please give us a chance just to be friends? If things go farther, than they will."

I let out a small smile and nodded. If things went farther with Taylor, then so be it. But Taylor and I were best friends and I didn't want that to be ruined.

"Do you want to go to one of our rooms?" Taylor asked.

"Let's go to mine. On one condition, please don't kiss me...yet."

"Okay." Taylor's face showed a bit of hope when I said 'yet'. He put his arm around me and brought me to my dorm room. I checked my phone and got a text from Sara.

Sarah:)- Going on a date with Carter. I'll be back around 10:00, okay?(;

Me- Okay, have fun!!!

Sara and Carter were so cute! It made me a little bit happier. Right now it was about 5:00 so me and Taylor had about three hours to spare. We went in to the dorm room and sat on the bunk bed leaning up against the wall. I turned on the tv and saw that the notebook was about to start.

"Want to watch it?" I asked.


I set a pillow up against the wall for me and Taylor to lean up against on and watch the movie. I grabbed a bag of skittles and set it between us to snack on. I remembered being hours away from Taylor and now I was just inches away from him. It's like I could feel him looking at me. I could feel his pain.

I smiled and curled up my legs. I threw a big fleece blanket over me and the movie started. The memories all flew back and I remembered it all. Taylor and I first falling in love. The notebook made me cry at what me and Taylor could be.

We could grow old together. We could do so much more in life than just separate. Maybe I was happy about him coming to Florida.

"Taylor?" I asked as the commercials came.

"Yeah," He faced me. I wanted to kiss him right then and there. But I had to keep my promise. Please Jesus, help this to not be so awkward.

"I'm sorry for being a jerk earlier. I really am glad you came here."

Taylor let out a small smile and let me rest my head on his shoulder. He kept looking down at me and smiling at me as the movie played.

Taylor's pov:

Rianne was starting to realize how in love we were again. I couldn't help, but smile. I wanted to kiss her, but I had to keep my promise to her. We had to start off slow. And who knew, we may not even end up dating again. But at least we'd be friends.

The movie ended and we spent the rest of the night talking. She talked about Drew and college here in Florida. I talked about Indiana. It was of course awkward at times, but things were great for the most part. We talked about the Bahamas and how much we missed everyone on the trip. We hoped to see them soon, but they were all in different colleges.

It was a great night and I didn't want to head back to my dorm room. Hopefully things would be okay.

Authors note: 2k already!? Thank you so much!<3 Let's get it to 3k before the next chapter(; Anyways, what'd you think? I hope you are a bit happier now! Only 450k till A Summer We Wont Forget gets to 1M! Thank you so much! Comment what you think will happen next!

~love Ry(:<3


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