Chapter 33

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Okay guys, can we all just take a moment to appreciate Taylor's younow last night? It is literally the reason why I decided to start writing today. Kayleigh and I were at the top of our emotions while watching it. It made me remember how much I miss this fandom and how much I love all of you guys.

Oh and I got a twitter! @ryysyd is my username. Go follow me and I'll follow back if you tweet me! 

Also, what would you guys think if I posted my opinion about the Carter situation or talked about my past year and all of the crazy things? I might do that tonight depending on if bae comes over or not (; God, I hate myself for saying 'bae', but whatever. Here's the next chapter!

Rianne's pov:

Now don't get me wrong when I tell you that I was beyond confused about my emotions when I thought about having a kid. I had always imagined my first child ever since I was in grade school, but I didn't think I was ready now. Trust me, the money wasn't as much of an issue as I had thought of before. Taylor was still having a lot of money from past meet and greets and tours. I mean, he was one of the richest college students I knew. But I was still in college and I had so much more to focus on.

"Alright, let's stop focusing on this little boy," Taylor said rubbing my belly "and go find something to do."

"Who ever said it would be a boy?" I asked jokingly, as I stood up.

"Well, I guess we won't know for awhile, won't we? But it feels weird calling the baby an 'it'."

I laughed and hopped out of bed. The alarm clock showed that it was 9:00 exactly, which gave us a full day ahead of us to fulfill activities. And not to mentioned the fact that I was was surprisingly fully rested. It wasn't very often that I got to say that.

Taylor grabbed a brochure which had been laying on the bed-side table. After flipping through a few pages, his eyes caught attention to something.

"What is it, baby?"

"There's canoe rides down the Grand Canal. We can rent one for about an hour for like $30."

"What else does it say?"

"Luxurious, romantic cruise for you and your significant other. Savor an afternoon on the Canal with elegant and diverse scenery. After your one hour travel down the canal, it is our gift to invite you to have 2 free glasses of wine for you and your significant other." Taylor managed to express in his sexiest, yet jokingly voice.

I put on an olive green pair of shorts along with a loose grey tee-shirt that hung off my shoulders a bit. I slid on my white keds and went to the bathroom to finish up. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I straightened my hair. And then to finish up, I applied the basic foundation, powder, bronzer and mascara. Nothing too fancy. Oh wait, swipe on some nude lipgloss and touched up my eyebrows. Okay, now I was done.

"Ri, the canoe thing doesn't start till six tonight."

"Well, what are we going to do? It's only ten o'clock and we have a lot of time to waste."

Taylor sat on the bed and shook his head, trying to think of stuff we can do. I waited for him to come up with some idea while I cleaned up a little bit.

"How about this? We spend the day here. I'm not gonna make us do too much since you're pregnant. Then at 5:00, we'll go have an early dinner and then schedule a canoe ride for 6:30. Then we'll go have the free wine and be back here at about 9 or so."

"I guess that's fine."


Taylor and I had found a cute little restaurant about five minutes away from the canoe rent place. The waitress, of which surprisingly spoke very good english had taken our orders. It took me awhile to decide, since I loved italian food. I eventually decided with the tortellini with peas and prosciutto. As for Taylor, it didn't take him too long. He went with some pesto ravioli stuff. I knew I wasn't even that far long pregnant, but me and the baby were both hungry. I had to get something in my stomach.

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