Chapter 20

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IMPORTANT MESSAGE! I decided to just make it so that Nash, Cam, Jack, Bali, Marie and Kayleigh have tansfered colleges to where Rianne and Taylor are. I would put more time into explaining, but it would be boring! But the parents won't be there for the whole time.

I just think they play a big role in my story and I don't want them to leave):


Rianne's pov:

It was three days after we'd gotten our pictures taken for the wedding. It was a Wedsnesday to be exact and I was still scared to death about Grant promising to hurt someone. After all, he had been kicked off campus and got into a lot of trouble. Grant was going to hurt someone and Drew and I were the only ones who knew.

I hadn't told anyone about what I heard. Call me crazy, but I hated seeing my friends all worried and upset. I hated seeing them fearful. I figured it would be the best if I didn't tell them and I would figure it out myself.

All of my classes that day were a blur. It's as if I just imagined Grant popping out from underneath my desk and hurting me. I couldn't even focus. All of my teachers words were coming into one ear and out the other. All I could do was...worry.

So that' when crazy stuff started to happen. I didn't really have a reason, but I decided to stay with Bali in her dorm that night. Kayleigh went to go stay in my dorm with Sara. It was a nice switch for the night.

So me and Bali had spent our night studying. We had planned on watching a scary movie afterwards, but we were both really tired from studying. We talked for a little bit about random stuff, boys and school. Blah blah blah. It was about 10:30 when we got into bed.

*Around four hours later*

I woke up from an ear-splitting scream. I was on the top bunk and Bali was on the bottom. I sat straight up heavily breathing from fear. All I saw was darkness since it was 2:30 in the morning.

Another piercing scream. It was coming from this dorm room.

I hurried down the bunk bed and saw Bali kicking her legs in her bed. She wailed and flung her arms everywhere causing her glass of water to crash to the ground. Small shards of glass scattered the ground. I put on my shoes so I wouldn't cut my feet. Before I picked up the glass though, I had to help Bali. I felt my body shake from fear as she screamed and cried.

I pinned her arms down and yelled "Bali...Bali...Bali!"

Bali's eyes shot wide open and she looked at me.

"Rianne, thank god you're okay! You're alive."

I leaned down to give Bali a hug. I hated seeing my best friend so scared. Her eyes were red from tears.

"What was going on?" I asked. I laid down next to her.

"I had a dream. I don't know if you want to hear it."

"Tell me."

Bali closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Bali's pov:

I had this crazy frightening dream that I don't think I'll ever forget. But the crazy thing was that in the dream, I wasn't myself. I was Rianne. I had some features of mine, but part of me was Rianne. I had bright green eyes and wavy hair. But yet I had my dark hair color and the same clothing as what I would wear.

I was driving down the road when I saw some headlights behind me. My body shook with some fear. It was eerie. It just slowed down behind me. I don't know why, but I stopped my car and looked at the car behind me.

There was nobody in the car, but all I could see for sure was the windshield. Written acrossed it in blood was 'Grant is not done.'

I just screamed. My whole body shook when all of a sudden, the car crashed forward and hit my car. My head flew forward and swashed against the windshield. I saw a huge flash of light. I don't want to go into any more detail, because it'll even scare me.

Rianne's pov:

When Bali told me her dream, I knew it was Bali who Grant was going to hurt. That feeling just stayed in my gut and I wanted to vomit. I couldn't even comfort Bali. All I did was get up, walk right over the glass and run out of the dorm. Bali ran after me, but I just couldn't stop. I felt my whole body fall apart and I turned around to Bali.

"Bali, you have to leave this place."

Authors note:

Thank you for 222k! Okay so 2 things. If I can get this chapter to 250k READS and 500 VOTES, I will do a double update! So vote away(: Also, if I have any fans from Branson, should tell me!! I'm going to be there for a week(;

~love Ry ( <3

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