Chapter 31

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So my account was inactive / deactivated for awhile. Therapy and school and stupid people. Here's a new chapter (:

*Flash forward 1 month later to start of Venice trip*

Rianne's pov:

So let's go forward to where we get to Venice. Finally I was on my honeymoon, something that I had been dreaming of since I was six. I would go through all of the airport stuff and the flights, but I wouldn't want to bore you.

I had woken up to the sound of the captain speaking over the intercom.

"Goooooodmorning ladies and gentlemen, we are about fifteen minutes away from landing in Venice, Italy. It is currently 11:23 in the morning and about 81 degrees with much of the sun out. We do ask that everyone stays seated with their seatbelts fastened while we prepare for landing."

Taylor was still asleep next to me, slightly snoring. I looked over at him and gave him a little shake. He woke up and groaned.

"Are we landing?" He asked.

"Yeah, in fifteen minutes."

We waited until the plane landed. Once we were off, we got all of our luggage. But once again, I wouldn't want to bore you with talking about all of that.

We had taken a ten minute drive to our hotel which was right in the middle of the city. We had checked in and we went up to our room. Taylor was the one who booked the hotel and refused to let me see what our room was like. All I knew was that the description said "Godetevi una notte nella nostra suite con il tuo amante romantico . Offriamo il meglio dei servizi e farà in modo che il vostro soggiorno con noi è pieno di ricordi e di piacere", which meant "Enjoy a night in our suite with your romantic lover. We offer the best of services and will make sure that your stay with us is filled with memories and pleasure."

Taylor and I got our room key and headed up to our room, which was apparently considered a loft.

We were on the top floor, the 22nd level to be exact, which gave us a perfect view of Venice from above. My heart was racing as I was of course anxious to see the room. "Well, here we are," Taylor said as he turned the key into the door.

The door opened and a breeze of lavender and vanilla came to my nose. The room weirdly smelled amazing. I walked in and my jaw dropped. It was absolutely stunning. The walls were covered in old paintings. The bed had red satin sheets with lace down at the bottom. It was somewhat old fashioned, but had some modern pieces to it as well. The master bedroom was huge. I walked into the bathroom, which was just as stunning. There was a huge jacuzzi in the middle of the bathroom. Everything was sparkly clean. I was amazed at it all.

"Taylor, you didn't have to do this."

"I want every piece of our honeymoon to be memorable."

I gave Taylor a quick kiss and then went to go unpack. Considering the fact that it was only about 1 in the afternoon right now, it felt like 7 am since I was used to Florida time. The time difference was killing me. I was hanging up my last shirt in the closet as Taylor unpacked some toiletries in the bathroom. He came out of the bathroom and looked over to me.

"There's a little park about a block away from here. I was thinking we could maybe go have a picnic down there tonight," Taylor mentioned.

"I would love to, but I'm so exhausted right now."

"Well, it's only 1:00 right now. We could take a nap and then head down there at 5:00 possibly."

"I suppose it would be a relaxing way to start off our trip," I smiled. I decided to quit packing for a bit. I drew the curtains to darken the room a bit and hopped into the bed with Taylor. I threw the satin sheets over us and turned to face him. I rested my head in the crook of his neck as he stroked my hair. It didn't take me very long before I fell asleep.

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