Chapter 30

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Before I start, I have two announcements...

1) I have an instagram! Finally! I've been asked about it multiple times so now you guys can see a little more into my personal life and blah, blah, blah. Anyways, its...


2) I'm gonna make a youtube video. It's going to be an "About me/Ask Ry" video. So go ahead and comment some questions below and I'll be sure to answer them on the video adding in your username as well. Please make them unique questions and don't relate them all to magcon lol. Comment away, loves! <3

Rianne's pov:

The whole thought of Venice had dwelled over me for the next week. I had officially ended school so it was summer vacation. I had a lot more free time on my schedule which was nice. So I used that time to work extra hours for my job. It was definitely paying off.

I had gotten home from work and Taylor was sitting on the couch. He got off an hour early and looked over at me.

"Hey babe,"

"Hey Taylor,"

Taylor had posted on twitter about our Venice plan. He had said how we were broke, but of course Taylor would never make his fans send money. He just said it as a joke, not expecting people to really take it seriously. We would make the money ourselves.

"You know, I haven't checked my PO box in awhile," Taylor said.

I nodded. Taylor had gotten up and walked over to me. I basically already assumed he was going to go to his PO box. After all, we had no other plans for tonight except for blabber on about all the fun things we could do in Venice. Taylor grabbed his car keys and headed out the door.

"I'll be home in a bit. Call me if you need anything."

"Alright, bye babe."

Taylor came home about an hour later. I had been finishing up some lasagna for dinner. I had just turned off the stove as I heard Taylor yell "Rianne, help me!"

I walked over to the front door and saw Taylor carrying four heavy trash bags full of gifts. I grabbed two of them and wearily dragged them into the living room.

"That's the most I've seen you get in awhile."

"They're almost all letters. You wouldn't believe how exhausted the postmen looked because of it."

"I wouldn't be surprised," I laughed.

We had set all of the bags in the middle of the living room. I automatically knew it was all money. I will admit that I felt a bit guilty. I knew it wasn't our intention when Taylor posted that tweet. I knew his fans cared a lot.

"Let's eat before we go through all of these letters, shall we?"

"We shall."

I got out two plates for Taylor and I. I hadn't cooked a really nice meal in a long time, so this was definitely a specialty. Taylor grabbed some silverware and we walked into the living room. I ate quickly, ecstatic to get to the fan mail.

"You want some more?" I asked Taylor.

"I'll have some more later. I want to get to these letters," Taylor said.

I hopped off the couch and sat on the floor. We opened up the first bag and all of the envelopes came piling out quickly. I grabbed one that said it was from Washington. I tore it open.

Dear Taylor and Rianne,

I love you so much! I'm literally your biggest fan! I hope you two have fun on your vacation so here's a little gift from me (: Feel free to visit Washington sometime. I'd love to meet you!



Inside was a twenty dollar bill. I put it to the side and we started opening some more. It had taken us forever, but we didn't get tired of it. All of the kind words were so sweet. Taylor couldn't help, but smile when he read every fans letter.

"I really owe my fans something big," Taylor said.

"We definitely do."

Taylor and I finished the third bag and were left with the last one. We had two buckets filled with money and they were basically over flowing. By the time we finished the forth and final bag, we had spent over two and a half hours. I was tired, but at least we had accomplished everything. Taylor had started to count the money, which would take another thirty minutes. While he was doing that, I got us some more lasagna.

"Wanna guess how much cash we have from this?" Taylor asked.

"How much?"

"Two thousand four hundred and twenty two dollars."

"Are you serious?!"

"No joke."

Taylor went on his twitter and began following all of the people who had written their twitter names on their letters. He tweeted out a huge thank you letter and said he'd do a following spree. I decided to do the same although I wasn't as famous as Taylor.

I had finished up my lasagna and cleaned up the kitchen. I was so amazed at everything that just happened. We almost had everything payed off just because of fan mail. How crazy is that?

Taylor and I spent the rest of the night at the bank putting the money in our bank accounts instead of having cash. When we got home, we basically were just on the computer booking hotels and other stuff.

It was only a month away until we left for Venice. A nice two week romantic vacation for just me and Taylor. We would stay in suites and spend money on fancy meals. It would be perfect.

Authors note:

Well thanks for 477k! Make sure to ask me questions below. I'll answer them all!



A Thousand Years (Taylor Caniff Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora