
"While you're afraid and quiet around us, Jihyo bosses us around. She never hesitates to scold us when we're acting up against her. She always make herself engaged with us, relating to our every moodswings and keeping us in check for our sake. You can't even make friends with Jimin even though he's the easiest guy to deal with and you expect these brats to listen to you?"

Suga pointed Jin and Namjoon out of nowhere. 

"That's enough, Yoongi."

Jin said after a quietness fills the air.

"Hyung, it's time we tell her what's bothering us so she'll stop pitying herself. Seolhyun-ssi, you keep comparing yourself with Jihyo but as I've said before she's incomparable. Everyone here knows you're competing against her."

"I'm not competing against her! Besides, you're indeed treating her better than me! She left the team but I feel like she's still superior to me when it comes to managing you. Do I need to come and ask for her help every time you refuse to listen to me? I'm tired of seeing you all asking for her even though us, your manager works our very best to aid you."

"Tsk! She's superior to you? Of course, she is! She's not just a manager to us, she's family. You never wanted to be part of our family, Seolhyun-ssi. All you wanted is to be treated like how we treat Jihyo. Wake up! That will never happen because you never have the same intention as she does in the first place."


"Let's be honest here, you don't want to get close with us, do you? It's all because of your aching ego that you're acting like this. You want to prove that you're better than her but you always fail because you cannot beat her."

"Yoongi, you've said enough. Please, calm down and let us handle this, okay?"

Namjoon steps in this time when he noticed Seolhyun shedding tears silently. Jimin reached the table napkin in front of him to help wipe her tears.

"Seolhyun-ssi, we're sorry."

She turned at Jimin whose sitting next to her,

"For unintentionally isolating you and for being insensitive to your feelings."

"Are you sympathizing with me, Jimin? You also think I'm pitiful?"

"Hyung, did you hear her?"

Suga snickered, he was never impressed with Seolhyun. His instincts always tell him that she's someone he can never get close with. 

"What?! You're only talking to me because Jihyo asked you to, didn't she? She's probably at home sipping coffee while laughing at me, thinking how pathetic I look like right now."

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