Mamma Mia | Steve x Jonathan

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Summary: When Jonathan takes his turn in the shower, Steve is bored, and the only thing that he has to entertain himself, is a radio

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Summary: When Jonathan takes his turn in the shower, Steve is bored, and the only thing that he has to entertain himself, is a radio. Featuring Steve dancing badly to ABBA and Jonathan going into a blind rage! Based on the headcannon: Jonathan goes into a blind rage every time he hears Mamma Mia!

Warnings: Swearing

Authors Note: First ever Stonathan piece, so please be kind! Also this has not been edited since it's midnight here and I can't be bothered!


It's early morning when Jonathan steps into the shower, turning the tap and welcoming the blast of cold water that cools him right down in the blazing summer heat. He can here Steve pottering around the small house, banging pots and pans, opening and closing the fridge and swearing loudly as he nearly drops a couple of eggs on the kitchen floor. He grins to himself, and steps under the steady stream of water, letting it soak over his skin and run through his hair.

As the minutes pass the house is quiet, besides the soft humming of the water pipes and the sizziling of bacon in the pan, and Jonathan expects it to sound like that until his shower is finised.

But then he hears it, the loud squark and squeal of the radio in the kitchen that Steve has somehow figured out how to turn on, and then the lyrics that come blasting out.

Jonathan shuts his eyes tight and groans loudly, following the noise with a frustrated "fucking hell" before he leands his head on the tiled wall, willing the repetitive lyrics and boppy melody to go away. But they don't and soon he can hear Steve singing along, his voice delibraterly off pitch and nearly shouting. Jonathan couldn't stand it any more. He'd had enough.

As soon as the soap was off his body, he turned off the shower and grabbed a towel to wrap around his waist, shaking his hair out roughly before walking out of the bathroom and into the small hallway, worn carpet sticking to his damp feet.

"Mamma mia, here we go again!" Steve's voice had reached it's max, soon turning into a out of tune screech that not only hurt Jonathan's ears slightly, but also made him hide a wide grin, watching his boyfriend dance around the small kitchen and sing into a spatula.

When the song came to an end, and Steve let out a heavy breath, Jonathan stepped closer, leaning against the kitchen counter and catching Steve by surprise.

"I thought we had an agreement." Jonathan can't help but smirk them at the wide eyed look Steve gives him, leaning in to press his lips to the other mans in a quick morning kiss.

"I know, I know, no ABBA in the house. But...It was the only decent thing on the radio." Steve whines, turning his attention back to the breakfast cooking on the stove, moving an arm around Jonathan's waist to grab an egg from the carton.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but ABBA is not decent." Jonathan scoffs at Steve's remark, crossing his arms against his chest and scowling in a way that Steve knew wasn't serious.

"Ah ah ah. Babe, I know you don't really like ABBA. But it's too early in the morning for you to already be a music snob. Now stop pulling that face and go chuck some clothes on." Steve can't help but grin at the fake wounded look that crosses Jonathan's face, and then he's wrapping an arm around him and kissing him proper, slow and soft and warm.

He lets Jonathan go after that, watching him walk away back down the hallway and into his bedroom, before turning back to the stove and muttering under his breath.

"Mamma mia, here I go again. My my, how can I resist you?"


First ever Stonathan piece! 

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