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I'm going to die

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I'm going to die.

Now, I realize that I tend to say that quite often, and blow so many things way out of proportion, but this time I really mean it. Truly mean it.

Regardless, even if this situation doesn't kill me, then my attempt to avoid it by running blindly through the pitch-black woods with nothing but my horrible human eyesight and two left feet in the middle of nowhere definitely would.


Might as well just come to terms with it now. I never wrote my final will and testament, what would I even have to give to people? My cheery disposition?

"Don't stop," Somehow, Leaflet's words floated to me. They swirled around my head before dying without so much as an echo. Gods, maybe I was now going to go mad on top of everything else. 

I'll be the first to admit that being insane might explain everything a little better. Maybe, if I was crazy, I wouldn't even need an explanation for anything anymore. As they say, ignorance in bliss and the most detached people can be the happiest.

There is one thing that a person shouldn't do when running for their life, and I couldn't help doing it. 

Looking behind them.

The first time, I stumbled over my own foot, but righted myself and kept going. The second time was much of the same. And by the third, well, I thought I had gotten the hang of doing what I shouldn't be doing when my foot caught on a tree-root and sent me sprawled out on the ground in a heap of limbs, leaves and groans.

Quick pants were all I could manage and dirt-packed itself up under my nails as I clawed at the damp earth that had at least slightly cushioned my fall.

Something was coming. 

Someone was coming.

I managed to struggle up to my feet, my legs quivering from the exertion as I did. I was so far from being in shape. I had never been able to run a mile, and then I got shot and Thralled, and somehow Leaflet expects me to be a marathon level sprinter.

Life, as many find out early on, is stupid.

I nearly collapsed at the effort of making myself stagger forward. If I could only run as fast as my mind did, I would be home in an instant.

Footsteps sounded off behind me, I wasn't sure if they were just arriving, or if I just hadn't noticed them at first with all of the struggles of keeping myself upright drowning out everything else.

But sure as the sun rises and sets, someone was following me and they were gaining quick– which let's be honest, would really not be that hard.

"You're just going to hurt yourself, Morris," I tripped over my own feet again at the sudden voice. Eon's sudden voice.

I barely managed to keep from face planting again and instead whacked into the side of a tree. Bark scraped the skin of my cheek raw and scuffed the palms of my hands as I braced myself against it to keep steady. A hiss tore from my throat and I used what little willpower I had left to press against it, hoping the night would disguise me.

"I know you heard me," his voice taunted. Half of me wanted to run, the other to sink to my hands and knees and try to crawl slowly away, but my legs chose before I could. My knees buckled and I collapsed into the damp earth again. These pants were going to need some serious TLC when this is all over and done with.

Early morning dew seeped into my clothes as I rolled over onto my back, gazing up at the barely visible stars through the trees with nothing but dread covering me like a blanket.

Red eyes broke up the monotony of dark, glowing with a ferocity I had nearly forgotten. They lit up a sort of terror I could just barely remember feeling on the outskirts of my mind. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than for the earth to swallow me up, or for Axle to come running and save the day like he seemed so good at doing.

"My Amira, you didn't really think you could run from me, did you?" Eon crouched down, ghosting over my injured cheek with his bruised knuckles. The skin stung as he did, and I could see his pointed teeth grinning down at me as he sensed my discomfort and my lack of a fight. There was no use.

"It didn't hurt to try," he laughed and I bit my tongue hard as his fingers dug into my skin, screaming would only give him what he wants.

"Yes, but it will hurt now that I've caught you," his eyes shut for a moment and when the crimson red reappeared they were inches from my own. "Leaflet was a fool to try and stop me, and so is the Council, and that pathetic mutt that you were getting much, much too close with... though I suppose you just weren't ready. You needed more time, you were still weak, malleable, but that's okay, I'll fix you."

He was insane.

Everything he did, thought, and spoke was madness, and I was stupid for ever following him.

Though, I was maybe just as insane as he was for trying to push him away with my stinging hands.

"I don't need fixing," I snarled, my confidence faltering when he gripped my wrists and pinned them above my head.

Cool breath fanned over my face as his head ducked down, nose brushing against my jaw and the only thing I could hear was his slow breathing syncing with mine.

"I suppose I'll just have to break you first."

Hey-oh! Been a hot minute since I've updated, but this semester has been super busy (I'm taking seventeen hours, plus two of my courses are creative-based classes so my creative brain has been sort of burnt out, but I'm hoping to fall back into a ...

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Hey-oh! Been a hot minute since I've updated, but this semester has been super busy (I'm taking seventeen hours, plus two of my courses are creative-based classes so my creative brain has been sort of burnt out, but I'm hoping to fall back into a schedule!)

This chapter is short and needs some work, but we see the reunion of Eon and Amira- trust me, lots of things going to be happening there. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Axle just yet.

Please vote, comment, whatever you feel willed to do! Thank you for reading!!! 🥰

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