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Axle has been avoiding me

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Axle has been avoiding me. 

The only other people I have seen are Emma and Doc – and the longer I think about it, the weirder it seems. I have seen literally no one else while I was here except these three people in this gargantuan house. Hell, I hadn't even heard anyone scurrying around. Completely dead silent. It was driving me nuts.

Maybe they were insane killers who offed everyone else and made up this 'The Council' thing. But that didn't explain the waitress from the diner. It didn't factor in the diner at all actually.

A cult maybe?

A cult might make sense.

There was a fuzzy memory of some sort of pack of people being mentioned when I first arrived, so maybe there were sects to this weird cult-like order. Logically, it made sense, but in my limited experience, I found that my answers don't typically lie where the logic is.

Gods they are rubbing off on me aren't they.

"I brought you grilled cheese!" Emma's head popped into the room and I halfheartedly attempted to display my excitement. 

She had a sheepish-looking expression as if she had just known that I was driving myself nuts in here with no one to talk to, and nothing to do. Truthfully, it really hurt to be basically ditched by Axle for no other reason than that he thought some random group of people weren't going to trust me. I don't care how important they are, it's rude.

I don't know why it made my heart feel as if it was ripping from out of my chest, but it did. I'd heard that sometimes emotional pain could be so strong that physical pain killers could help, maybe that's what I needed.

"Is it any good?" I nodded my head to the plate as she came in to sit criss-cross on the bed in front of me.

"Well, it's grilled cheese, so..." I gave her a look and took it.

"Well, I don't remember eating grilled cheese, so..." I mocked and took a bite of it while ignoring her blanched expression. I pondered the taste for a moment.

Like eating heaven. Heaven slapped on two pieces of white bread.

"I'm sorry–" I shook my head and took another bite.


She looked at the door for a moment before sucking in a breath.

"Not about the sandwich idiot. My brother. Axle is a really great guy, but you have to understand the stress that he's under right now, what stress we are all under. This has never happened before. Most people never even see The Council. And... and other stuff."

I set my plate down, if I couldn't get answers from Axle, then I'll be damned if I don't try to get them from Emma.

"So what is this, some sort of cult?" I asked and she snorted. But, she didn't make eye contact. Interesting. "Is The Council like your leaders or something?" I pressed and she let out a hiss of air before pushing her hair from her face in frustration, funny, the mannerisms you pick up from your siblings.

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