MICE | 14

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"They want to kill me

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"They want to kill me."

"Yes," Emma chewed on her lower lip and eyed my reactions closely. If she saw anything concerning, she didn't say. I didn't even know what I was feeling, was there a specific emotion someone is supposed to feel in this sort of situation? Those fun little times when you're sitting on death row all of a sudden.

"Where's Axle?" He was the only person I really wanted to be around, Emma was doing her best to keep an eye on me, and keep me calm, trying to distract me from the fact that there were people downstairs who were fighting for a way to kill me, but she wasn't who I wanted.

It's for the greater good.

Whatever, the 'greater good' still makes me sick.

"If I had to take a guess, he's downstairs driving The Council mad," Emma's face took on a nearly contagious smile, but the emotion died before it could find it's home on my face and instead I stared at the blanket and fidgeted with a loose string.

"Oh?" Just right downstairs. That's not too far, almost close enough to touch.

"I grew up with him, if there's something he wants, there is no way that he is going to give up on it," I recognize that I haven't known Axle all that long, which made my attraction to him all the more head spinning, but he didn't seem like the controlling, obsessive type.

I had had enough controlling people in my life to last me a millennium or six.

"And he wants them to.. not kill me?" Emma didn't answer right away, which is what made me look back at her. She wouldn't meet my eyes.

Totally not suspicious.

"That's part of it."

"Part of it?"

"There's a lot you don't know," I opened my mouth to question her, but Emma immediately shook her head and let out a long breath. "It isn't really my place to tell you- you'd have to ask Axle."

"Axle isn't in this room to ask, but you are." There's a lot you don't know. Everything was just building up, and building up, and I felt stuck and drowning, and all I wanted to do was scream.

"Well, I'm still not telling you," Both of us settled into a tense silence and I dropped down on the bed to stare at the textured ceiling. Everything about this place was handmade, so someone sat here and made the decision to hand make the popcorn ceiling above me. Absolutely appalling- "How long have you had the necklace?" My hand reflexively reached up to brush over the chain.

"A while, I'm.. I don't really know when he gave it to me. If I'm being honest, I forget I even have it a lot of times," And now that I knew that I had it, it felt so heavy.

"Probably part of the Thrall," That word kept getting thrown around like I was just supposed to know what it meant. Gods, I was absolutely sick of being kept in the dark, of being talked about like I didn't even deserve answers. 

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