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Blood matted my hair down against the back of my neck, and my spine tingled as I fought the urge to wet my iron-tinged lips with my tongue

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Blood matted my hair down against the back of my neck, and my spine tingled as I fought the urge to wet my iron-tinged lips with my tongue. I had just helped killed someone, I didn't need to taste them now too.

"Did that really have to be so violent?" Eon gave me a look as he sucked the blood from his teeth.

The couple hadn't been home, but a house sitter had been. A completely innocent bystander and all Eon had been able to get out of her was that the Lemont's wouldn't be home for another half hour, which Eon said was plenty of time to prepare for the main event of the evening.

"It could've been worse," He crouched over the mutilated body, looking over them with a morbid sort of satisfaction that had my stomach churning. "Go get a jar from the kitchen, crystal is preferred."

I huffed. As if I knew enough about glass jars to determine if they owned a crystal one. 

My senses were becoming overwhelmed from the heavy scent of blood in the room, and I was more than happy to tear my eyes away from the growing pool of blood underneath the poor girl and go into the kitchen. Before I fully turned to leave, my eyes briefly met her wide and glossed over ones. 

Unable to stay put any longer I turned on my heel and followed the scent of gingerbread.

Glass jar.

The scent of cookies was even stronger as I turned the corner into the kitchen, my nose immediately cueing in to seek out where several dozen little men were resting on a large cooling rack beside a large jar of sugar. 

A large jar of sugar in a big glass jar. 

Nice and convenient.

The lid popped off with ease and I only hesitated a moment before dumping the contents out onto the floor, they weren't going to use it and neither was I. It almost looked like perfect white sand, the way it piled up onto the floor like what you would do before you pack it all together to build a sandcastle. 

The summer before they left, mom and dad took Cara and I to the beach. Mom and I hunted down pretty shells along the edge of the water while Cara and Dad built little crummy castles beside us. Who would have guessed that a year later we would be abandoned. 

I shook my head of the thought and kicked the sugar hard enough to send the little grains all over the floor.

"You find one yet, Morris?" I bit back a snippy remark and instead cast a longing stare at the smiling gingerbread men mocking me on the rack. 


"Yeah, got one."

The hallway connecting the kitchen to the living room was lined with lovely pictures of a happy family absorbed by a complete and totally vibrant life. All smiles, and beaches, a bridal shower with sparkling candles, and an outdoor wedding with pink and yellow flowers, a honeymoon, and a baby bump.

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