KILL | 8

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"You're not even trying

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"You're not even trying."

"I am trying!" The sweaty shirt clung to my abdomen uncomfortably and I pulled it away for the millionth time. I could barely hold the stupid dagger without it slipping from my sweaty hands, and every single part of me was slick with sweat. And what did Eon want me to do? Throw the damn dagger, and no, not just as any old target, but at him.

Directly at him.

"You're not!" He hissed and lunged at me. I tried to sidestep like he had taught me to do a few days ago, but my feet got twisted together and he was just too fast. Inhumanly fast. I hit the ground with a solid thud before I even knew that I was falling. The dagger clattered down just outside of my reach as Eon kept me pinned beneath him.

"Try and get me off of you Morris. Try and get that dagger before I do, because if I get it first, I will send it straight into your sweet little heart, I swear it," My lungs burned in my chest, he wouldn't really kill me, would he? But there he was, reaching for the dagger, slowly, teasingly, without ever taking his cool vacant eyes from mine.

They say that eyes are the windows to the soul, and if that's true, at that moment I became completely convinced that Eon didn't have one.

Panic surged through me and possessed my muscles to twist and buck my hips off of the ground to make Eon lose his balance and catch himself on the ground above my head. I rolled to the left, away from him, and caught the dagger in the movement it took to swing me up to my feet.

I gripped the hilt with both hands, doing my best to keep them from shaking as I aimed the unfamiliar weapon towards him. It felt wrong in my hands, but at least it wasn't being stabbed into me.

Eon slowly climbed to his feet, excitement rippling through his muscles as he began his slow circle around. My knees bent to send me into a defensive position, I wasn't a dummy I knew that even when armed I don't have even the slightest bit of an upper hand. Eon always had the uncanny ability to make me feel like prey. Weak, fragile, pathetic little prey.

Without warning he came straight towards me again, and acting purely on instinct I squeezed my eyelids shut and thrust the dagger forwards. For a moment I was lost, drifting behind closed eyes and I was somewhere else. Not in an abandoned warehouse in some town I didn't know the name of, not glistening with sweat with a dagger in my hands, but somewhere nice.

That all crashed the bits around me when I opened my eyes and was shoved back with the weight of what I did.

The knife had sunk deep into his abdomen, only stopping where the hilt hit his tummy.Terror tore a shriek from my chest and propelled my feet backward.

Eon's attention was still solely on me, glowing red, and as he grinned a bubble of blood leaked from between his teeth. My scream died down into a silent whimper, unable to do anything but watch as he slowly pulled the blade out and tossed it onto the ground. Blood slowly spread through the material of his shirt, but he paid it even less mind than I would do a paper cut.

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