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 "You can find him?" Axle pushed himself into the room the second the cracked words left my lips

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 "You can find him?" Axle pushed himself into the room the second the cracked words left my lips. As soon as his warmth spread into my back I settled against him, it could be seen as slightly worrying how I reacted to him without much thought. But Gods it felt natural, and being dangerously attracted to someone without also being absolutely terrified of them was a refreshing experience.

"It isn't safe," Axle spat out. "So it's not happening."

Cara fidgeted, but before she could say anything, someone from The Council spoke up. They had a hood covering the majority of their face, but then from what I could see they looked almost blue.

"It isn't up to you, any of you. This girl is a traitor, and there is not a shred of doubt in anyone's mind about that. She's lucky that all we are having her do is draw that cockroach from whatever rock it's hiding under," The woman's voice sounded like a hiss of snakes, completely malevolent.

I turned my head a bit in order to breathe in Axle's scent, it was more than a little bit calming, but it did little to halt the chills sweeping up and down my spine. Drawing Eon out didn't seem like an easy task, and I hadn't done what I was meant to do, and he knew that. Somehow I knew that he knew and that he wouldn't be found until he was ready to be. This whole thing was far from being over.

"I'm not a traitor," Crion scoffed and my short lived confidence faded at it. "I.. I didn't do anything," at least I didn't remember doing anything. My words were hardly even convincing to myself, how was it that I had supposedly done something so awful, but I couldn't even remember doing it?

Trauma, the Thrall, that's how Dummy.

"Eon gave you something to keep you under his Thrall and tie you to him. What is it," That was Crion. Moving closer to me and shaking off Cara's hands that tried to keep him by her side. I felt all corners of the necklace digging into the skin of my hand as it throbbed.

The necklace.

This stupid, fucking necklace.

Cara was staring at me, everyone was staring at me, but I still couldn't make myself speak. It was almost as if my throat had completely closed up, I could barely breathe let alone make a noise, and Axle's touch felt a million miles away.

"You have to work with us Amira, or immunity is off of the table," Anger rose. 


As if. 

If I had done anything to draw out this mighty Council that everyone seemed so up in arms about, then it was something that didn't qualify me for immunity. 

Death? Maybe. Immunity? Unlikely.

"I didn't do anything!" I wanted to scream my head off, to tell them to go fuck themselves, but then it occurred to me that I had spoken. That I was able to speak when I wasn't trying to reveal that it was the necklace that they were looking for. I felt Axle's breath against my neck grow choppy with anger. No, more than anger, he was enraged.

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