True feelings

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Monday morning started slow

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Monday morning started slow. The forecast predicted rain the entire week. Rain could be comforting if you weren't always wallowing in sadness. It was pouring as I started towards the bus stop. Good thing I decided on a bigger jacket. The thick cotton inside the jacket didn't stop the rain from seeping into it. I was dripping wet by the time I made it to the bus station. The bus was several minutes late than its scheduled time. My luck was running short today.

I felt drowsy when my I stepped into the building. The rain had the power to do that; make you feel more tired than you were. It seemed the rain hadn't just affected my mood. The halls were silent. The few chatters that fluttered the room came from the few students lined on the walls. A guy leaning on the wall winked as I passed. It wouldn't be long before the building was bustling, and I preferred to be early before the crowd formed.

I was in a bitchy mood this morning. I had no idea why. My face fell when I found Damon leaning against my locker. I tried not to react, but it was hard considering he was looking detectable today. His hulking frame was sheathed in uniform. The wavy strands fell around his shoulders. Exotic features created a beautiful face. His gripping eyes captured me under a spell.

My face turned grim as I stepped directly across from him.

"What are you doing?

What I really wanted to know was why he was at my locker. He was a fool if he thought I didn't know his game. At this point his actions were nearing creepy.

I scoured the area hoping no one was getting an eyeful. I couldn't take anymore gossip flooding the school about me. The last thing I wanted was my name in someone's mouth.

I don't have time for this.

He stepped aside. "Just want to make sure you didn't forget what I said."

I recalled that night, Damon whispering in my ear. He uttered the last words I wanted to hear. "You're mine..."

Oh. That.

I recount his words as I rush to put in my locker combination. I blushed when I feel his unwavering gaze glued to me. Damon was shielded from my view as I pull the door open.

Making a disgusted sound, I roll my eyes.

"How can I forget."

I was hoping he didn't miss my sarcasm. The sooner I could get rid of him the better. Now was not the time for distractions. I needed to meet my friends. He shut my locker before I had a chance. He studied me as if I was his latest project. I felt small under his gaze. He took two steps towards me landing a finger length away.

"I'm here to remind you again."

His eyes flashed to my puttered lips. "Your mine."

His examination was daunting. I needed a way out.

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