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My eyes bulged when I sensed he was near

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My eyes bulged when I sensed he was near. Not only was my whole body on fire but I lacked the capacity to think coherently. It was as if all my senses vanished, leaving me feeling muddled.

Luck seemed to be on my side today as I watched him, and his friends leave the building. Gawking from a distance, my eyes followed him until the doors shut behind his frame. As if I was pulled from a daydream, I blinked once, then twice. My eyes focused and I looked around hoping no one had noticed. I slump my back and watch my friends debating. Thank god, none of the attention was on me. For much of the short hour, I spent lunch zoned out. I thought about long blond hair with a face only Gods could challenge. No matter how much I forced myself from scanning every room for him, my eyes always found his. There was an indescribable intensity whenever we were together. Like a magnetic pull, I was helpless and gave up the fight long ago to keep him from my thoughts.

Toward the end of the day, my heart dropped to my stomach when I felt the light brush against my back. When I swiped my head to see Damon walking pass, that's when it happened. He caught me staring, and his smile did nothing to calm the butterflies fluttering in my belly. He licked his lips, then twisted in his seat. I could've fell dead in that moment. It was quick but the gesture made me feel more than the few interactions we've had.


The rest of the week zoomed past. We spent Friday morning plotting this weekend's plans. My weekend was sure be uneventful with the mountains of homework I had. Plus, paranoia wreaked havoc in my soul. It was the fear of being trapped in Damon's clutches consumed my thoughts. I was always tense, expecting the worst. Anxiety came full force, and nothing seemed to calm my nerves. Overthinking was a constant will of battle and as much as I ignored the gut-wrenching feeling, my instincts were never wrong.

The human mind is basically a huge contradiction... if you really think about it ...

The weekend provided a much-needed rift. Homework was the distraction I needed to push those feelings to the back of my mind. But that was a temporary digression. Not an hour later, my work was finished and the little studying I managed to do was on pause. The massive headache hit me by surprise. Mentally and emotionally, I felt stressed and with nothing to do, my tormenting thoughts threatened to take over again...

You might like him...

I don't like him, it's like impossible...

Trash is what you are to him...

I don't think I like him.

Maybe I do...

You can't...

It was an endless cycle, and I was completely over it. I was struggling with what I knew in my head and what my body wanted. Mind versus body...

And while I knew Damon was bad news, I couldn't help the heat that formed whenever he was near. It was impossible and unnerving that I couldn't separate the two and just freaking get with the program— which was to stay the hell away from him. Low and behold, my prayers were answered...

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