The Flip Side Of Things...

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After our argument, the tension between my father and I was ever-growing

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After our argument, the tension between my father and I was ever-growing. The times I did leave my room, I felt like an outsider. It was the topping on the cake when I found Trisha sitting at the breakfast table on Friday morning. She ruined my mood on sight, it had nothing to do with the disgusting look pasted to her face. Assuming Aaron told his wife, what happened, her death glares whenever we crossed paths didn't go unnoticed. I walked on eggshells from the time I left to later that evening. 

At the roar of his voice, I race upstairs with tears running down my face. Without a care, I slammed my door shut, muting Aaron's disapproval of the sound. Like a wounded animal, I splayed my body on the bed. My tears pooled around my face.

My life was starting to feel like a sad movie, and I could only hope I would survive to see how it ended.

Trisha was wicked. I knew my father's reaction was partially due to her. She made living here hell. When she wasn't here everything was smooth. It was another story when we crossed paths in the house.

I've had more than enough time to consider my actions the next three days. Even though my reaction was warranted, I know I could've handled the situation better. I wasn't harboring any regret; all I want is to move forward. If I saw here again, my mind was set on apologizing. The possibility of her accepting it was slim, but it was better than not acknowledging my wrongs at all. I was willing to forgive and forget.

With nothing to do at home, television became my new pastime. But even hours of binge-watching shows, I felt antsy from this unsettling feeling I couldn't shake.

When the week and my suspension came to an end, I found out the girl was released from the hospital. Apparently, I had done more damage than I had initially thought. Not only had I given her a black eye and split lip, but two broken ribs.

The mother daughter duo entered the house as I was coming down the stairs that Friday afternoon. I sighed deeply as Melody looked up at me.

Trisha rolled her eyes when she spotted me. Her focus was on the several shopping bags weighing down her hands. It was ironic their pastime would be shopping; it fits the bill.

I ignored my childish stepmother as I passed them.

"Ro!" My stepsister's voice halted my steps.

I looked back. "I wanted to say sorry about Reid. She's a real bitch sometimes."

I snorted at her, then nodded in agreement.

"Thanks." I mutter.


After hours spent with my head buried in books, I managed to finish the two papers and reading we were assigned for a few of my classes. Not to mention, my friends were a godsend this week. They sent screenshots of their notes from classes. I missed more than I wanted to.

When it was all said and done, I hate being grounded. I was tired of watching terrible tv and sitting in my room with nothing to do. My appetite suddenly vanished. I've been cooped in my room with no intention of facing Aaron and his family. I was still grounded but the growing need to leave the house triggered my rebellious nature.

My boredom surged me into sending a message in the group chat I had with my girls.

Me: please save me. I need to get out this house...

The swoosh sound filled the air as I messaged my friends. Not a moment later, April responded then Anna.

April: are u asking me to help break you out?

Anna: so, u want me to rebel with idk

A laugh escaped my chest as I read their responses, noting the difference in their reactions. Considering we've been glued together since we met, it wasn't surprising that April was down with whatever while Anna was more reluctant. Which is why I texted them both. April was the type to get you into more trouble, while Anna was the saint, always following the rules.

Me: um no. I'd probably be grounded for life.

Me: chill, no. But it would make me feel better if you guys came over :)

Hours later, my friends and I chilled for the better part of the day. Surprisingly, Aaron welcomed my friends into the house. Guess he'd prefer them here versus me sneaking out of the house. Whatever the reasoning for his change of heart, I relished in my company.

My girls provided a much-needed distraction from the cabin fever that was slowly creeping in. After hours of talking and laughing, the night ended as quickly as it begun. My friends went home and the rest of the weekend flew past in a blink of an eye. Packed with unwelcome nerves, restlessness plagued my mind and body.

Monday morning was no different and the exhaustion lingered from lack of sleep from the previous night. Incapable of retraining the groan, I raised my rigid body out of bed in spite of my body's protests. My lack of motivation to return to school was absent. Skipping my first day back from suspension was a mere thought before deciding to push through the defiant musings. Nothing good would come from skipping, and this grounded life was not my cup of tea.

Silencing my eloquent thoughts, I fumbled through my usual routine. Once ready, feet pummeled down the steps, choosing to skip breakfast this morning, I used my weight to push through the door, striding towards the familiar car parked outside.

Jumping into the vehicle, April met me with a smile. Following suit, accosting my friend with a forced smile. She moved her hand behind the wheel and cut on the ignition. Vibrations shot across my body as it rumbled to life. 

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