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Turns out Aaron wasn't as relieved as I'd assumed

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Turns out Aaron wasn't as relieved as I'd assumed. When he pulled the car into the driveway, smoke was practically steaming from his head. Nothing compared to the rabid manic he morphed into once we got inside.

His voice carried through the interior. "A fight! Really Rome?"

I sighed loudly, wishing I didn't have to endure the lecture I knew was coming. This was the first time I had seen Aaron so furious. After a glimpse, I preferred the easy-going man I've come to know. There were always two versions of everyone. What people were accustomed to seeing and what was hidden.

The Aaron before me, like any other parents, expressed his disappointment and shock of the lengths I went to today. Not mentioning that despite the mess I created, my only intention was to defend myself. But no one seemed to hear that part. Or care much less ....

I get it. Instead of using my fists, I could have walked away. What good would that have done. If I hadn't fought back, the bullying would have continued. Granted, people could still talk behind your back, but at least they knew not to cross you. I was tired of walking on pins and needles at school, so I did what I saw fit. My father probably saw me as a charity case or rebellious teen, but I was neither. There is no doubt that we were blood, I was just the opposite of his picture-perfect daughter. That simple fact crushed me because it meant that I would never live up to his standards.

Even with all the hate I've bottled up for this man over the years, the simple truth was, I wanted a relationship with him. For years I never got the option to experience a family. It was always just me and Grandma. Now with her gone it was only right I try to put the pieces back together.

He looked drained from chastising me. Then he leaned his hip on the counter. A hand cupped his face as if in deep thought. He released a loud sigh and faced me.

"Would you like to tell me why you did what you did?"

"She was spreading lies."

I Shifted in my seat uncomfortably. My brain went into overdrive to find the right words.

"I was defending myself. She hit me and I fought back."

His expression was unreadable. I began to wonder if he'd heard me. His next words caught me off guard.

"And now she's in the hospital with broken ribs!" He roared.

I winced and went slack in the chair. I couldn't keep my eyes from going wide or my mouth snapping open in repulsion. It wasn't my intension to hurt her to that degree, but there was nothing I could do about it now.

I spoke in a rush, "I didn't know..."

My father gave me a look, and I knew he didn't believe me. Angry tears began to roll down my face, his expression didn't falter.

"I fought back, I'm sorry I'm not like your perfect daughter."

His eyes popped with shock. "You're the opposite of who I thought you would be."

Instead of answering him I rose from the chair.

"This is bullshit. May I be excused?"

It was one thing that my father accused me of initiating the fight, but I wasn't sticking around to hear his lies. I knew he expected more of me. My father had this good girl picture of me that's wasn't true. But the look on Aaron's face halted my entire soul. And like the outcast I've been dubbed since moving here, he served as another reminder of my status.

He nodded absentmindedly; turning his back to me as if what I said offended him.

"You will use no such language in my house young lady. Your grounded until I say so..."

"What!?" I screeched.

"Go to your room!" His voice boomed, finger pointing from me to the stairs.

That was the plan. I wasn't about to go down without a fight though.

"But you can't—" Before I could get another word out, he roared, silencing me.

"Now! I can't even stomach being around you right now."

Looking at me for another moment, we stand in silence. Unspoken words were brimming between us.


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