All the Best, -H x

Start from the beginning

As I focus my eyes on Harry in the photo, the realisation that he actually sent me a letter hits me. An instantaneous feeling of excitement rushes through my body, causing my mouth to quirk up into a smile. Continuing to hold the photo of Harry, I let out a scream of joy, while doing an embarrassing dance of happiness. This was the first time I'd seen a real version of Harry since Jamaica. His emerald eyes may be burned into my eyelids, but seeing a photo that he printed himself seems so surreal.

My nostrils are hit with a welcoming sent of tobacco and vanilla, as the scent swims up my nose. Flashbacks of the first time I smelt Harry shoot into my mind, as I become dazed by the overwhelming rush of memories. I close my eyes - allowing my brain to regain control of what's happening. Standing quickly, I gather the letter and envelope, and head to my bedroom.

Perching on the end of the bed, I begin to reread the letter

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Perching on the end of the bed, I begin to reread the letter. The fact Harry apologised for taking me home that night warms my heart so much. He doesn't have to apologise, I'm grateful he was so thoughtful to make sure I was safe. And, he called me beautiful. He said 'A girl as beautiful and kind as you shouldn't be with someone as cruel as him...'. As in, that God of a man thinks I'm beautiful, thinks that I'm kind?! To be totally honest, I don't know how I feel about him writing me. I know I threw my address in the bin, but I'm so pleased he found it. It wasn't intentional for him to find, but I'm beyond glad he did.

Shuffling to the back of my bed, I rest my head onto my pillows. I hold the letter out in front of me, and continue to read.

It broke his heart that I was so sad on the beach? It breaks my heart reading that Harry! If he had beaten Dan up, I'm not sure if I would've stopped it. I don't know if I would've had the strength to drag myself off the sand and onto my feet.

He wants to thank me for the night? This man is an angel. It's a huge honour to be told you will forever be remembered by someone, and the fact he even sent me the photo I took so I can remember him makes me want to curl into a ball of happiness.

I've been running round his mind? As in... I, have been running round HIS mind?! I feel guilty in a way, that I haven't thought about him as much: I've just been so busy I haven't let myself think about anything other than work. This poor man must be exhausted from seeing me constantly!

He left me his phone number?

I immediately stop reading the letter, pulling it away from my face as I stare up at my ceiling. Do I call him? Is that the right thing to do? I mean, he gave me his number so he should be expecting my call. And it's only 7:45pm, so he shouldn't be asleep. What if he's out though? I don't want to bother him. I don't know where he works, what if he works night shifts?

I should call him.

No, that's stupid.

Yes, call him.



He left me his number!

But what if it was a joke?

What if he doesn't expect me to call, and he just did it to be polite?

But, what if he actually wants me to call!

Oh god!

Pulling myself up from my bed, I shift my eyes to my phone on my vanity. I stare at the numbers on it, contemplating dialling Harry's number. Standing up, I gingerly approach my phone, while lightly holding the letter in my hand. I look at the phone number. 07769 277 213. I repeat it to myself a few times, making sure I've read it properly. '07769 277 213... 07769 277 213...07769 277 213'.

Taking a deep breath, I began to dial the numbers.

As I dialled each number, questions fizz around my mind about things Harry said in that letter

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As I dialled each number, questions fizz around my mind about things Harry said in that letter. '0...7...6...9...' I read aloud to myself, as my anticipation grows. '2...7...7...' I continue, feeling my heart rate rise as I neared the end of the number. '2...1...3...' I finished, before taking a deep breath in, and pulling the phone to my ear.

*ring ring*
*ring ring*

The phone rang, yet nobody picked up.

*ring ring*
*ring ring*

It continued, as I fiddled the cord anxiously between my fingers.

*ring ring*
*ring ring*

Okay, nobody's going to answer, I'm going to put the phone dow-


I freeze, my thought immediately cut off by the voice echoing out the phone. It's a man's voice. A deep, husky voice.

"Hello?" The voice repeats, and I don't say a thing.

"Is anyone there?" It questions, clearly confused as to who is calling. I gulp, clearing my throat, and bring the phone closer to my mouth.

"Uh- hello?" I blurt out nervously, scared that I dialled the wrong number.

The line falls silent. Not another word is said for at least a minute. I continue to run the wire through my fingers nervously, as I await the man's response. At this point, I think I've dialled the wrong number. Surely Harry would recognise my voice!

"Who is this?" The man questions, his voice raw and clear against my ear drums.

"Harry!" I sigh out in relief, feeling my heart pound against my chest at hearing his beautiful voice again.

"Primrose...!" He answers back in disbelief.

"You got my letter!"


How cute is this chapter! I'm super excited to continue writing, as these next few chapters are ones I've had planned for weeks.

Thankyou to those who have continued to read, I'm so glad you're enjoying it. As always, feel free to comment opinions, advice, predictions or anything else! I love reading what you guys have to say.

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