13. Passionate Lovers.

Start from the beginning

Somehow for picking a fight sometimes Serena would end up slapping Inuyasha across the face when she got so mad at him, and then he would grab her hand and pull her body too him, and ended up kissing her, and somehow this normally made up for their petty fighting.

Serena and Inuyasha knew they were the real deal alright, She loved him, He loved her, He was a small town boy who didn't have a lot of money in fact he had just about nothing but the clothes on his back and his sword, and that's it, he never has had wealth or ever will as he put it, He was a solder and a demon slayer, He was proud of that and of who he is, He won't change who he is, And she loved him for being himself, Even though his temper could be questionable, But there was no doubts in his mind, He was madly, Hopelessly in love with Serena, As Kagome and the other's pointed out to him many times, And he reminded her of this every time they stopped kissing and were ever in a fight he'd just say I love you, and this seem to calm them both down and stop fighting. She would feel better and forget why she was mad and kiss him back.

Sango and Miroku made jokes all the time, and that sometimes didn't help things either, Kagome told them too be a little less perverted about their spending time together

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Sango and Miroku made jokes all the time, and that sometimes didn't help things either, Kagome told them too be a little less perverted about their spending time together. Soon they both returned with fish from the river and sat down with their companions.

Soon Kagome had asks if Serena was interested in truly staying in this era for the rest of her life? Asked Kagome" curiously. "Inuyasha snapped and said why wouldn't she live with him. She is staying with him.

"I know for the moment she is here with You, But I guess I just wanted to ask Serena if this is what she truly wants in her life, like to stay here forever, I mean I don't mind taking you too my time and having mom take you in? Replied Kagome" honestly.

"Kagome, she's not going to leave Me, we are together now, we are opening up too each other even, Serena you do want to stay with Me here, right? Asked Inuyasha" looking from Kagome to Serena.

"It's a hard questions normally for someone to answer, But No Kagome, I won't go back to the more present day times, I wish to remain here, I like being here, I am free too be myself here, I can hunt demons, And honestly I love Inuyasha, So I am going to stay with him, He recused Me, And I rescued him right back like you two girls said, So I am going to stay here, And when we are done hunting for the shards, I've agreed to Marry Inuyasha, Say's Serena" honestly.

"OH...!!! Marry Him, are you sure you're thinking straight on this, I mean you two do fight a lot, Replied Kagome" shocked?

"You pushed me into this, You pushed for me to give him a chance, And now I can see who I am now days, I've found myself again, I'm not lost anymore, And honestly yes Inuyasha and I fight, But who doesn't that's just being a couple sometimes you get on each other's nerves, But under it all, I wouldn't take it back, I love Inuyasha, He's brave, He protects Me, He's not a fake, He's the real deal, He's a true man of honor and respect even, He even respects my values too, He tells it like it is, And he's loyal to me, But I do love him, Say's Serena" admitting it.

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