Tom Petty #1

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A/N: Oddly enough, this story came to me in a daydream and I thought it would be great here. I got a request from CheyenneW128 for a Tom Petty one shot. So this one goes out to them, thanks for reading, and I hope you all enjoy!


I knocked on the door again, shifting my weight back and forth between my feet. 

Benmont had called, asking if I could come hang out at Mike Campbell's house for the day. I said sure, but when I arrived, no one was answering the door. There wasn't even a dog bark. 

"Hey, Tench!" I shouted, backing into the screen door. I looked back at it, opened it and left the porch to go around back.

"Campbell! Somebody!"

As I turned the corner, I was met by a large brown dog.

"Woah! Oh, hi Peaches." I crouched down and pet her.

She pushed her head into my hands as I scratched behind her ears, groaning and making what I could only describe as dog purrs.

"Such a sweet girl... hey," I stopped her head from moving and looked at her. "Where is everybody?"

"Well I'm right here." A familiar, not-so-southern drawl answered.

I looked up, seeing Mike Campbell walking up to Peaches and me. He smiled as I stood.

"So where's Benmont?"

"Him 'n Randall ran to the store quick. I guess they didn't expect you right this minute."

I chuckled with him, starting to walk to the back porch. 

"Tom's here." He said, glancing back at me. 

I nodded, feeling my heart flutter a little. I began to step over a massive stinging nettle, but just as I did so, Peaches decided to run after something and knocking into me.

"Peaches!" I shrieked, losing my balance. She was gone before I hit the ground, but thank god I didn't land on the plant.

I heard Mike begin to chortle loudly at me, then hearing his heavy footsteps hit the dirt.

"You okay?" He asked, unsuccessfully stifling his chuckles.

"Yeah," I wheezed, grabbing his hand he offered to pull me up. I brushed the dirt off my clothes, carefully following Mike again as I did so.

"I didn't land on that stinging nettle, so that's nice."

Mike stopped, glanced over my shoulder, and nodded. "Yeah, good thing."

He seemed to be in a very good mood today. He was very loud and enthusiastic, which was very different from the introverted demeanor he usually showed. 

As he turned to walk in the porch, I turned around to see someone sitting in the middle of the yard playing a guitar. 

"Is that Tom?" I asked, holding the door.

"Yeah." He said. 

I pushed away from the door and stared at the blonde boy for a moment. 

"I thought you were the one that normally sits by yourself to play guitar." I turned back to Mike. 

His face turned a light pink shade as his shy side came out.

"Yeah, well, uhh..." he looked down, chuckling. "I was earlier... I just- he wanted to do it..." 

I turned back to Tom again, feeling my heart beginning to hammer in my chest at the thought of what I wanted to say to him. I had been thinking about it all week, but I didn't know if I could do it. 

"You can go talk to him." Mike said. "I- I know you want to."

I looked to my feet, staying in the doorway for another moment before starting off into the yard. Peaches began to bark again, making me jump slightly, and darting off to the front yard. I took a deep breath and finally reached Tom. 

He watched as I sat next criss-crossed to him and he smiled slightly. "Hi."


"How're you?"

"Fine..." I nodded, my heart skipping eight beats at once.

He nodded as well and strummed a single chord on his guitar. "You sure?"

 "So why're you here?" I quickly asked, changing the subject. 

"Uhh... I got bored, walked around a bit... didn't wanna crash at my mom's last night, here I am."

"Reasonable." I nodded.

"Why're you here?"

I didn't answer. I stared at the dandelion that sat between us. It shook gently, reminding me of the way my hands were. 

You have to do this, (Y/N)....

"You remember last weekend?" I started unexpectedly, even to myself. "When you snuck Benmont and me into Dubbs?"


I didn't look up. "I... I wasn't that plastered to forget how you kissed me, y'know."

"Shit," he huffed.

"I-I... um..."

I couldn't continue. My voice was so shaky, and it was dumb to think we could ever be anything more than friends. I didn't know why I even thought of asking him out. 


I looked up at him. A slight smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth, making me blush.

"Are you asking me out?"

I bit my bottom lip and nodded slightly. He chuckled a little, making me blush even harder. 

"I knew it was a stupid thing-"

"Why's it stupid?" He cut me off. He stared intently into my eyes, waiting for an answer. I only shrugged. 

"I don't know," I laughed uncomfortably. "I guess... I guess 'cause the man's suppose to ask the girl out."

He looked at me in disbelief for a second, dissolving into laughter afterward. 

"What?" My face felt extremely hot. 

"You are something else, Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N)."

I laughed again, looking away for a second before returning my gaze on him. 


"Yeah." He laughed. "I'll go out with you."

I smiled, calming my giggles as relief came over me. 

That wasn't so bad I thought...

Tom's blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight that filtered through the leaves of the tall oaks. His smile was bright enough to light all of Gainesville. He was beautiful.

"Hey!" Benmont's voice shouted from the porch. We turned to him. "C'mon in! We bought stuff for sandwiches!"

Tom and I returned our gazes to each other, instantly smiling again. 

"Should we join them?" He asked. "We could bring our food back out here and each together."

"Sure." I nodded. "Call it a date."

"Nah. I'll take you on a real one." He leaned the guitar out of his lap and stood. 

"When?" I asked, feeling butterflies in my stomach as I stood. 

Tom didn't answer for a second, thinking for a moment.

"It's a surprise." 

I smirked at him and he winked, putting a hand on my back as we walked up to the house.



Dumb, I know.... does it need a part two?

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