Mick Jagger #1

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"Hey, Angel." 

I jumped at the calm male voice that filled my ears. I looked to the source of the voice, being met with soft eyes and a plump-lipped smile. The crinkles around his light sapphire eyes lit up his features. They shimmered like sunlight over the sea. A sort of magic I had never seen anywhere else except in those eyes. I smiled with him, my heartrate calming slightly with the warm feeling filling my chest. 

I giggled quietly, bowing my head slightly and seeing a single sunflower. A bright, triumphant yellow, the petals spiraled around its green and light brown centre. His long, nimble fingers gently spun the thick stem of the flower. I could feel the soft hairs of the plant, just by imagining and remembering what the ones he had given me in the past felt like. 

"Mick, I can't accept this." 

"Why not? You don't understand the trouble I had to go through to get this."

I smiled again, shaking my head, "I've already got thirteen in a vase from the past two-"

"Repeat after me, love." He interrupted, his eyes locking with mine. He took my hand as he spoke, the velvety stem of the flower brushing my fingertips. "Thank you..."

I formed a loose grip around the sunflower, my smile never falling, but shrinking a little to ease the new aching in my cheeks. 

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I studied the different tones and layers of colour each petal. How a pastel yellow could trickle into such a faint orange, then a light green or brown. It was such a lively thing. A loud creation amid the dull, dying world that was preparing for winter around it. I wondered how Mick was able to obtain sunflowers this late in the year, but when I would ask him out loud, he would only reply, "It wasn't easy."

"I should put this with the others." I said, turning to my front door.

"Can I come in?" He asked, putting a hopeful foot up on the step just above where he stood. "Just a quick peek. Please?"

My tongue darted out to wet my dry bottom lip. I glanced from him to the fresh, forest green paint on the door, then shook my head. 

"I'll only be a moment."

The puppy face he made as I slipped into my flat was one I had seen many times. He'd stick out his bottom lip and make his eyes as big as saucers. Even if he meant it as a guilt trip and not as a joke, I would only smile and reassure him that I'd be back momentarily. I always kept that promise. 

I quickly ran upstairs and slipped into my room. I looked around, forgetting where I had put the vase of his other sunflowers. It actually wasnt a vase, it was a glass pitcher my grandmother had given me. It did the same job as a vase... I could've sworn I had put them in my room. Nevertheless, I went back downstairs to continue my search. I found the flowers in the kitchen, sitting on the counter by the sink. The elegant stems all standing in a cluster in the clear container, allowing for the flowers to blossom upward to the sun. 

Each flower was in a different stage of aging. The oldest ones were a rich honey colour, and the youngest ones were a bright yellow- like golden syrup in sunlight. I slid the newest one in with the others, turning it toward the window, then pushed the pitcher further away from the edge of the counter. 

I returned to Mick, watching his expression light up as I walked out. I smiled, turning to close and lock the door. 

"What'd you have for breakfast, Angel?"

"M'sorry, what?" I shoved my keys into my pocket, turning back to Mick. He took my hand and we started down the steps, walking along the pavement to wherever he was taking me for the day. 

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