Alice Cooper #1

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Leave it to me to come up with an idea for a one shot after watching the Muppets and I Dream of Jeannie haha.
His performance of You and Me on the Muppets is what started this whole idea. It's so sweet, I highly suggest you watch it. And (Y/N) is technically Jeannie, so that's why she calls him Master and talks in old English.
This was good fun to write so have fun reading it :)


"Thou deceived me!" I fumed, pushing toward him with my arms folded tightly across my chest.

"Now, (Y/N)," he pleaded, chuckling uncomfortably.

"I should turn thee into a serpent with two heads!"

"Hold on- actually, that would be really cool."

"I trusted thee!" I shouted, watching as he fell over the back of the couch, a startled shout leaving his mouth.

"Let's not do anything we're gonna regret."

"Then what about that one?"


"The black-haired one, Master. She is made of ice, she could never make thee happy."

I could not understand why he felt the need to have another woman around the house. She fancied him a great deal, and though Master seemed indifferent to her, I could not wrap my head around why she had to be around.

"(Y/N), how many times do I have to tell you to not call me that?" He stood and walked around to stand before me.

"At least once more, Master." I jumped up and slung my arms around his neck.

Master sighed, and wrapped his arms around me gently. For 2000 years I was trapped in that bottle. He made it all better. Setting me free, accepting me with such strange words:

"When I saw thy wise face, I cannot tell thee how much happiness thou hast brought to me." I explained, nuzling into his chest.

"I know, (Y/N)," he breathed, pulling away and looking into my eyes. "You've told me many times."

I beamed up to him, admiring the smile on his face as our argument dissipated.

"Why do you not like Melissa?"

I shook my head up to him, "Her vibrations are all wrong for you."


"Of course." I shrugged, pulling away. "How else dost thou decide who to love?"

"Well, usually... you, um..."

I cocked my head to the side, giggling at him as he struggled for words. He sucked in a breath as he thought, then pulled away.

"Alright, (Y/N), whose vibrations do you feel are right for me?"

A wide grin stretched across my face as I fought to not answer him. Instead I threw my arms around him again and captured his lips with mine.

Master fought my affection for a moment, humouring me to no end. He eventually gave in, like he always did, and returned my kiss just as sweet as he always did.

When we parted, Master appeared shocked (as he always did) with his eyes wide and as deep as the ocean.

"You have witchcraft in your lips," he said.

I giggled again.

"There is more eloquence in a sugar touch of them than in the tongues of the French council." I replied, waiting for him to speak again.

"Of course you would know that." He smiled. A beautiful, starry-eyed gaze overtook him.

"Tell me something, Master!" I begged, jumping onto the couch and standing over him. "Tell me anything! Thou hast such strange, melodious words!"

He chuckled, looking down to his feet. He thought for a moment before approaching me:

"When I get home from work, I want to wrap myself around you." He stopped in front of me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I want to take you and squeeze you till the passion starts to rise."

I continued giggling at him, allowing his enchanting words to flow through my soul like the waters of the Euphrates.

"I want to take you to heaven. That would make my day complete-"

"Master, what is heaven?" I interrupted him, pulling my eyebrows together in curiosity.

Master paused, huffing a breath of laughter once he processed my question.

"Heaven, (Y/N), is like, um... it's where your soul goes after you die."

"Oh, like the Hamistagan!"

"Yes, yes, just like that!"

"Oh, Master that place is too crowded for us." I told him. "Thou made heaven sound like a paradise for just us."

"But it is! The highest, most sunny paradise the gods could give us!"

"That would be Heaven of Eternal Light!"

"Yes, the Heaven of-" he paused. "(Y/N)."

"Yes, Master?"

"You just said... nevermind." He shook his head and continued his poem.

"Sometimes when you're asleep and I'm just starin' at the ceiling, I want to reach out and touch you, but you just go on dreamin'.

"And that's enough for a workin' man. What I am is what I am. And I tell you, babe, well that's enough for me."

"Babe," I laughed. "That is a silly name."

"Yeah, well so is Master."

I continued laughing, allowing myself to throw my arms around his neck again.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?" He asked as his feet began to lift off the floor. "(Y/N)! (Y/N), stop that! This isn't normal!"

"Oh, but what is normal, Master? What is normal for a spider is chaos to a fly."

"Well, I guess I'm a fly. Quite literally." He looked down, somewhat shaken by the fact that he was hovering about three feet off the ground.

Giggling again, I propped my chin up in my palm and looked to Master:

"Tell me something."


"Dost thou love me?"

Without hesitation, he nodded. 

"More than the black-haired demon?"

"(Y/N)," he took my chin between his thumb and forefinger. "I love thee very much. I'd give you the entire universe so you could have everything."

"Really?" My heart swelled.

"Take it. It is thine."

"Oh, Master!" I exclaimed, throwing myself on top of him.

"Woah, (Y/N)!"

I ignored his protests and his apparently uneasy feeling of being suspended in the air and I gushed, "The more I give to thee, the more I have!"

I sat up and looked into his eyes. They shimmered like the arm of the milkyway that streaks across the sky at night. A thousand time over I would swim in that sea of stars if it mean being with him. I meant every word of my declaration, too.

The more I do give to him, the more I have. 

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