John Lennon #2 (part two)

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I laughed at the sight of John shoving his way past me. He didn't even notice me. Not even a "sorry" escaped his lips. That was normal behaviour for him, though. He could have his mind set on one thing and everything else he is oblivious to. But I was an easy person to pass by even if you had seen me every day as he had. 

I followed after him. I wanted to ask him what had happened with Margaret, because I felt I could push him into telling me everything. If I did that to my sensitive best friend, her and I would have a long and winding road to travel down and set aside our differences on. I never want to do that again.

I started running to the corner I last say the lanky boy go around.


I took a deep breath of friged air in, clutching my handbag to my breast. I skid to an almost stop to round the corner, and was met with a pair of warm, familiarly welcoming, and startled hands. The breath I had taken before rounding the corner was now lodged in my throat, burning to be released, but I was in too much shock to breathe out.

"Sorry, 'm not John." Stu smiled at me gently, rubbing my arms up and down. A shiver ripped through my body, from his touch or the sudden breeze that had picked up, I do not know, but he certainly noticed.

"Well... have you seen him?" I hesitated, relaxing a little when he pulled his hands away.

"He just ran past me after that Irish lass he's always chasin'."

I huffed in realisation of why John seemed so focused pulled my bottom lip between my teeth.

"I though he was with Duckie."

I smirked at the nickname he gave Margaret, shaking my head and saying, "Nope. He tried to take her to the room."

Stu laughed at this. That hearty yet soft laugh that just made me melt.

"Y'think he'd know 'er enough not to." He smiled down to me again, his hand twitching at his side. "Anyway, I wanted to see if you'd let me walk you home."

My breath caught once more, and I didn't think I would get the air flowing again. We practically avoid each other for a month, most likely trying to hide the pain and sadness from one another, and now he asks to walk me home as though he were talking of the weather. Such an open-armed way to show the pain of our parting. 

I didn't know what to say. I almost walked away all together, but Stu was the last person I would hurt like that, ex or not.

"We can take the long way." He added, now acting shy. "'M not in a hurry to see Ella either."

A slight giggle escaped my lips, I know just sending him into a world of stars and memories. Exactly what we've both been trying to avoid for the past month. I nibbled on my lip again, a smile still on my face.


He beamed down to me, slowly extending a hand toward me and jerking it away before I could comprehend his silent request. A slight red tint appeared on his cheeks and darkened in colour on the tip of his nose. He sighed as we began walking:

"I forgot."

"Forgot what?" I questioned, then realising he wanted to hold my hand and what all that entails. "Don't answer that." I nervously spat out.

He chuckled again, but it was more of an uncomfortable, awkward-silence filler. 

It never was this difficult to be around him. From the day we first met, we got on like we'd know each other forever. Before any relationship happened. Now we were both closed up, tensed up like nervous strangers. I found myself glancing between my feet and his to see if I was walking in sync with him, but i didn't want to walk too fast to make it seem like I was jittery, or too slow to make it seem like I wanted to spend time with him. Which is all I wanted to do. 

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