Freddie Mercury #1

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Hello my loves! 

So this one I had a lot of fun with. Just sit back and enjoy, my loves. I promise it won't disappoint ❤


"Hey, Mama," Freddie snickered. 

"Hi, we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty." I spoke over the telly, causing Freddie to burst into laughter.  

We were staying up late watching The Golden Girls with the sound off. More than once did the neighbours beat on the walls to tell us to shut up, but our incessant cackles and raunchy dialogue over the muted sitcom had lasted for hours. I was pleasantly suprised that the police had not been called on us. 

Freddie turned to me as Betty White's beaming face stared up the a man in Rue Mcclanahan's arms:

"Darling, I know you can come up with something better."

"Well, Freddie, I'm not as clever as I was three hours ago." I rolled onto my stomach and reached for my wine glass. 

"Yes, we have been doing this quite a while, haven't we..." 

I mulled over the tart liquid on my tastebuds, nodding when he turned to the clock on the mantel. 

"Christ, (Y/N), it's nearly midnight!" He exclaimed.

I watched as Freddie scrambled to his feet and pulled my eyebrows together, "so?"

"So," he reached down to his wine glass and dumped the rest of it's contents down his throat. "So, that means, you have to go to bed and get up early to do... whatever it is that you do."

"Oh, that's not fair."

"It's extremely fair, darling, it's your job. And the telly'll sign off in an hour so I don't know what you expect me to tell you."

"Well, you can tell me where you're going first." I pushed myself off the couch to stand. 

Freddie paused for a moment, halfway in his leather jacket and halfway out. A mischievous smirk painted his lips before shaking his head. 

"No. No way."


"No. Where I'm going, it's not the kind of scene for a girl like you."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I snapped.

A part of me wanted the smirk wiped clean off his face, but that didn't happen. Instead, it looked like it had gotten bigger. 


"I have another idea. A better one."

"So I can go?" 

"Yes. However, you're not going in that."

I looked down. My washed out denim jeans and cream turtle neck looked alright to me. Where was he taking me that this wasn't acceptable?


Off in a much quieter spot of the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, Freddie and I stood with each other at the bar, nudging each other like naughty school children. At one point, Freddie took a sip out of my white wine and insisted that I drink something different. I ignored him and continued to drink the wine. 

We were both dripping with sweat from dancing in the ocean of people not ten metres from us, and we were probably having more fun than anyone else in the club. 

"I'll be right back!" He said in my ear as the blaring falsetto of a Bronski Beat song began. 

"Don't take too long!" I shouted to him. 

Freddie winked at me, then disappeared into the leather throng and thongs. I turned back to the bar, allowing myself to get lost in the syncopated rhythm of the song. 

Before we left my flat, we created a disguise of his leather jacket, dark sunglasses, and a red leather cap. I actually didn't look that bad. And with my stature being taller than most other women's, I looked more like an eccentrically dressed male model than anything. 

I looked at the leotard the bartender was wearing and leaned over the bar to him. 

"How'd you get into that anyway?" I shouted to him. 

His eyebrows raised at me before he leaned in and answered, "talcum powder!"

I nodded in understanding and raised my wine glass in cheers, "Lily of the valley I use..." 

A man pushed his way next to me, and pointed at the bartender. 

"Two beers." 

I looked to him, shifting away from him slightly. He was uncomfortably close to me, close enough that I could see his pupils through the dimly lit room. Trying to mask my awkwardness, I nodded in acknowledgement. The man smirked and looked me up and down. 

I clenched my teeth together and glanced over my shoulder. "Where are you, Freddie?" 

"One's for you, darling." The stranger tapped my shoulder. 

I turned to him once more and forced a smile. 

"Mmm, thanks..." I pulled the beer toward me, but did not drink from it. Instead, I crossed my arms and leaned against the counter with my head turned away from the man. 

"Thanks? That's all you can say? Do you wanna at least know my name before you completely shoot me down?" 

"No, thank you, I'm fine without it."

"You are fine without it." He agreed. He plastered a smug look on his face and tapped his knuckles onto the counter. "It's Paris."

"Is that a last name?" I huffed, still avoiding his gaze. 

"Only if you want it to be." He purred, reaching to remove the sunglasses I had on. 

"Can I help you with something?" Freddie called to the man. A wave of relief washed over me at the sight of him that I nearly jumped into his arms. 

"I'm just having a nice chat." Paris told him. 

"Well, not anymore, he's mine, darling, now paws off." Freddie took my arm and pulled me off the bar stool. 

"He?" I asked out loud, but they didn't hear me.

"I didn't want to fight tonight, I just came here to have fun." 

"Well, so did we, so, off you pop."

"Freddie," I warned. 

Paris laughed and looked at me over Freddie's shoulder. "There's a fire there... I think I like it."

Freddie rolled his eyes and took my hand. He started to turn us away from Paris as he leaned closer to me. "C'mon, (Y/N)." 

"Don't leave! We came to have fun, yeah? Why not have fun together? I think we'd get on well. You seem like a right good chap."

Freddie paused, closing his eyes and turning his head to address Paris over his shoulder:

"I don't care what you think of me. In fact, I don't think about you at all."

He then promptly began pulling me through the crowd toward the exit. The cold outside air was like a slap in the face once we finally made it to the doors. It was somewhat sobering. 

"Sorry we had to leave so early. I didn't want him poking around you like that."

"It's okay, Freddie." I laughed, pulling my sunglasses off and looking up to the light-polluted sky. "I haven't had a fun night out like that since... well, since forever."

Freddie chuckled and hooked his arm in mine, "You're welcome, darling."

We smiled at each other and started walking down the street past the line of people waiting to get into the club. A few heads turned in surprise, but we paid them no mind. 


Happy Pride! ❤️💛💚💙💜

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