Kurt Cobain #1

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Rubbing the plum coloured eyeshadow through my bottom eyelashes and connected it to the outer corner of my eye. The same colour was smudged all over both my eyelids and it almost looked like I hadn't slept in days. That may have been true, but it was just easier to blame my appearance on the makeup. 

Grabbing my mascara, I started preparing myself for the fight I would have to put up to unscrew the top, but was suprised when the top came right off. Normally the dried mascara around the edges tightly sealed the tube. I must have got lucky.

I tugged on the old mascara, caking on however much I felt like- or rather however much the tube allowed- until I was satisfied. 

And this is where someone walks in and tells me I look like a fish... I thought, sighing out loud as I jammed the wand into the tube. I pulled it out again to apply the mascara to by bottom lashes when a figure's reflection in the mirror caught my attention.

"You look like a fish." He said, of course sounding rather bored. 

"I knew you were gonna say that." I mumbled, and shoved the wand back in the tube. Looking back into the mirror, I wiped away the dots of ink that had landed on my skin.

Kurt was leaned on the door jamb with his arms crossed, quietly watching me in the mirror. I sighed again, putting my hands on the counter and returning his stare. After a moment, he made a face at me, which I laughed and rolled my eyes at. 

"Who're you getting all gussied up for?" He asked. 

Pushing off the door jamb, he walked up behind be and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. He locked me in place by holding onto his left wrist and pressing himself into me.

"No one." I replied, reaching up to hold onto his arm. "I'm just bored."


I tilted my head back to rest on his shoulder, but kept my eyes on our reflection. I looked like hell- I always did. Kurt looked like the perfect mix of heaven and hell. His dirty clothes and disheveled hair, the chipped red nail polish on his fingers, and his bright blue eyes. Our gazes eventually locked onto one another's, and we held a stare for a good while.

Kurt released his wrist to spread a hand over my chest. Pulling back a little, he looked at my ear and said, "Is that cuff new?"

I flicked my eyes to the small gold ring pierced through the side of my ear, then shook my head. 

"I decided to put it in today." I replied. 

He nodded, paused for a second, then pulled away from me completely. 

"Come on." 

I turned away from the mirror, "why?"

"We're going to the airport. Come on." 

With out another word, he walked out of the dimly lit bathroom. 

The airport wasn't too far away, and it was always our favourite place to go at night. It was a peaceful noisy that soothed and relaxed me. The drive over was quiet, which suited me just fine. Kurt found our usual spot by the runway and parked. This is where we took a blanket out and laid on the hood of the car.

We watched the airplanes take off, land, or just fly overhead to go to another airport. The blinding lights on the runway created a hazy, white aura that swam and twirled through the air (quite literally because I could see the smog and jet exhaust move as the wind blew or a plane landed).

"It's nice to see the runway from a different view." Kurt muttered after a few silent moments. 

I craned my head up to look at him. The smallest smile pulled at the corner of his mouth, which made me smile as well. 

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