John Bonham #2

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A/N: this was a request for a baby plot similar to the last one shot with Roger Taylor. It is a really sweet plot, so I hope you all enjoy it :)


"John!" I called, setting the car keys on the kitchen counter. 

"Ah, no, (Y/N)!" A hushed shout came from the living room, and a baby cry drowned out the quiet plea and every other noise in the house. 

I pressed my lips together and cringed at the shrill sobs coming from my son. Without removing my coat or shoes, I walked into the living room. John was slumped into the back of the sofa with Nolan cradled in his arms. 

"I'm so sorry." I breathed, leaning down and giving both of my boys a soft kiss on the forehead. 

"S'alright," he huffed, leaning forward a bit to let me take Nolan.

"Hey, baby," I cooed. His cries almost instantly silenced at my touch, and the gentle swaying motion of me rocking him subdued his whimpers. "It's okay, mummy's got you..."

"Uh, how the hell do you even do that?"

I chuckled softly and carefully sat beside him. "I dunno, I just do."

John put his chin on my shoulder, gazing down on our son with a sleepy sense of pride. He cautiously reached out, slipping his little finger underneath the baby's hand. Nolan's little fingers wrapped around his pinky in a fist, holding on tightly as if John were to pull away. 

"How's Vivi?" 

My friend, Vivienne, offered to take me out for dinner. Which I perhaps had agreed to too enthusiastically:

"Oh my god! Yes! Yes! Other adults? Please!"

I leaned my head on his with a slight smile on my lips and responded, "She's good."

"Mmm... what'd you two do?"

"We just went out, had a pizza and went to the cinema."

"What'd you watch?"

Nolan fussed again, releasing John's pinky.

"Aw, Nolan, honey, shhh. It's alright. It's alright, shhh..." I rocked him again, barely moving back and forth until he settled once more. "S'not important," I whispered. "What did you two do?"

"Nothing much. Listened to the radio... I fed him just before you came home."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome... I tried to get him to sleep as well. I don't think he likes my singing."

I smiled, nuzzling my nose to him, then turned back to Nolan softly singing the one song I knew he would fall asleep to. 

"Poor wan'dring one
Though thou hast surely strayed
Take heart of grace, thy steps retrace
Poor wan'dring one."

"You with your Gilbert and Sullivan." John chuckled.

"It works, doesn't it." I quipped. 

"Poor wan'dring one
If such poor love as mine
Can help thee find true peace of mine
Why, take it, it is thine."

John joined in with a lower harmony, which didn't really surprise me. What did, however, was that he knew the words. 

"Take heart, no danger lowers
Take any heart but ours
Take heart, fair days will shine
Take any heart, take mine."

We sang the entire song twice, until we felt confident that the baby was asleep. Slowly standing up to avoid waking him, we looked to each other and silently made a plan to take him upstairs. 

There was no trouble getting either of my boys to bed. Once I had laid Nolan down in his crib next to our bed, I stripped down to just my underwear and threw on one of John's old long-sleeved shirts I had stolen. Laying down beside him and settling under the covers, I felt John's arms wrap around me.

"Woah!" I breathed, jumping at his sudden touch. 

A hushed cackle flooded into the darkness and subsided when he kissed my shoulder. I giggled with him and turned over to face him. Our legs tangled instantly, giving me the perfect comfort I never wanted to leave. 

"Sorry." He hummed, his hand settling on my hip.

My lips lightly brushed the tip of his nose and I said, "s'alright..."

Within a minute or two, John started making gentle snores. It boggled me how quickly he could fall asleep. I was jealous at times, but there was never another time that I could admire him in such a peaceful state. His slack jaw, long eyelashes kissing the tops of his cheeks, and his steady breaths in and out. 

I feathered the tips of my fingers over his scruffy jawline, then dropped my hand between us. I found his fingers and held them in mine. Breathing deeply and in sync with him, I allowed my eyelids to flutter shut. 

I started humming Poor Wandering One to myself. I still wondered how John knew the words. In truth, I probably sing it to Nolan so much that he's learned the words that way. That made the most sense. 

I laid still for a long while and had nearly fallen asleep before Nolan began crying. I pried my eyes open and stared at the ceiling for a moment. It took no time at all to remember he was a restless child. However, it did take me a moment to realise I would have to get up to quiet him. 

"I- I'll ghet 'em," John slurred, starting to roll off the bed. 

"No, no, it's fine love," I put a hand of his chest to stop him. "I'll get him, you've done more than enough today."

He nodded lazily and settled back into the mattress. I signed, rolling off my side of the bed and padding the few steps over to Nolan's crib. I reached my hand to his and held his small fingers in my own. He instantly hushed his cries. 

"You look just like your father." I told him in just barely over a whisper.

I rubbed my thumb over the back of his hand, taking in his beautiful features with a sense of wonder. His dark hair and eyes, plump cheeks and light skin. And so precious while he slept. 

I looked for the clock to see the time, but there wasn't enough light in the room to make out what time it was. Sighing again, I returned my gaze to Nolan. 

"Would you like for me to sing another song?" 

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