John Lennon #2 (part one)

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Who wants a four part John Lennon story because I took the book down? I know I do, because I miss you all so, and this story deserves to be shown. And as a quick note, it is based off the story that my first John Lennon one shot is based off of. :)


"I can't believe you, John Lennon!" Margaret Duxbury shouted, disgust lacing her frustrated tone.

"Oh, come off it, it was only a joke!" His voice echoed from behind her. It sounded sincere, but it was John Lennon. Almost nothing was sincere.

I stopped walking and turned around. My friend was practically running from the boy that tried to grab her arm.

Her usually-tidy brown hair had been pushed up out of place and her eyebrows were knit together in aggravation. Her school uniform was unbuttoned and seemingly out of place. Very unlike her. John's usually greased-back hair bounced lazily as he ran after her. His white uniform shirt was untucked from his trousers and his tie was loose around his neck. Nothing new there.

"It sure seemed like a joke when you brought me in that bleeding room!" She spat, tearing her arm away from him and running towards me. "Clara, you tell him!"

"Tell him what?" I raised an eyebrow as she shoved past me without stopping.

John stomped to a halt a few feet in front of me, heavily breathing with his tongue darting out to wet his chapped lips.

"What'd you do this time?" I asked.

He put his hands on his hips and stood straighter, trying to collect the air back into his lungs. He shook his head and took a step back.

"She'll tell ya."

I glanced over my shoulder at my friend who was standing at the turn of our street, her arms crossed tightly over her chest and her right foot tapping away at the pavement.

When I turned back to John, he shook his head again and walked away. "See you tomorrow." I heard him say.

Knowing I was going to walk into an earful, I dipped my head down and hurried to meet Margaret. My heels clicked to my long strides, echoing off the houses that lined both sides of the street. My exhales creating a light mist that I walked straight through.

Was it wrong of me to play match maker? I knew Margaret fancied John, so when he and his girlfriend, Olivia, decided to break up again, I set the two up on a date. Nearing three weeks later, and he's already done two things to upset her. The first was so minuscule I wondered why it even bothered her. Now I had to figure out what he'd done this time.

Once I got close enough to Margaret, she spun away from me and stormed away, quickly walking down the street. I sped to a light jog, clutching my handbag to my chest

"Margaret!" I huffed, finally adjacent to her. "What did John do?"

She sneered at his name, "He needs to keep his damn hands off me is wha-"

"Hold on, what?"

She stopped suddenly, and I nearly fell trying to stop at the same time. I caught my balance once again. When I looked up. I met her seething glare.

"Did he hurt you?" I asked, knowing that he did have a history of being physically aggressive. It really only ever happened when he was drunk, so I didn't think he had hit her.

"No!" She quickly looked at our surroundings, and started walking again. I followed.

"Then what happened?"

"He took me to that room, Clara! That empty class room right for disease!" She refused to say what students actually used the room for but I understood what she meant.

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