Alice Cooper #2

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I couldn't help it, I loved Alice and Jeannie too much haha


Opening my eyes slowly, I squinted against the light coming through the opening of my bottle. I arched my back upward in a stretch and turned my head to look at the hourglass sitting on the table next to me. I groaned out a big yawn then pushed myself to sit up. I stretched for a little while longer, then stood and blinked myself into a cloud of cotton candy smoke. 

I flew into the kitchen where my master sat at the table eating breakfast. I made my way over to the chair next to him and materialised myself back into human form, only to start yawning again. 

"Good morning, Master." I smiled, leaning forward to see the mail he was reading. "I am sorry I slept so late. I did not know the time."

"That's alright, Jeannie." He looked up from the paper in his hand to me. "How'd you sleep?" 

"Oh, just fine." I beamed, slowly beginning to wake up at the sight of his happy face. 


He picked up another envelope and carefully opened it with a butter knife sitting next to him. I watched curiously as his eyes flicked through the delicate handwriting on the coffee-stained paper.

"My mother." He explained before turning back to coninue reading. A lopsided smile pulled at the corners of his mouth before he leaned over and said, "listen to this: under a separate cover, I have enclosed some vitamin supplements, gelatin pills, and a few mineral pills I had around the house."

"Aw, that sweet, Master." Then, rather confusedly, I asked, "Why is she doing this?"

He started to answer me, but stopped short and returned to the letter. He quickly skimmed over his mother's writing a few times before shrugging and looking back up to me  

"I don't know." He replied. "She greets me in the usual way: Vincent, I miss you, why can't you your work days off in Detroit where you can eat lunch at home, blah blah blah, I'm sending you vitamin supplements, we read that bit already, but there's nothing to indicate why she would send them."

Both of us perked up at the sound of someone knocking on the front door. My Master turned to me, then set the letter down to stand. 

"I wonder who that could be. Uh, Jeannie, do you mind?"

I shook my head in response, and blinked myself out of the room. 

"Thank you." He said, going to the front door. 

I was indeed out of the dining room, but I had gone to the front door as well. I had made myself small enough to hide behind a pot of fake flowers shelved on the wall opposite to the door. They were so pretty, but I really wish he would let me put real flowers there for once. 

"Surprise!" A woman's voice exclaimed. 

I leaned forward, trying to get a better look at the middle aged woman coming into the house. 

"Mom, I- I wasn't expecting you "

"That's why it's called a surprise, dear. And look! I brought you some vitamins from the house."

"I thought you said you were sending those under separate cover." He drew out, watching her walk back outside for a moment. 

When she stumbled back in, she was caring three large suitcases.

"Mom, be careful!"

"I'm fine, Vincent, don't you worry about me!" She set down the suitcases and said, "I am the separate cover, hon. Oh this is going to be great! Mother and son reunited once again!" The older woman threw her arms around her son and squeezed him tightly. 

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