Charlie Watts #1

429 10 1

R.I.P. Charlie. You will always one of the best ❤❤❤


"Up camera two!" The director shouted in my ear for a second time. 

I rubbed the skin of my neck just under my ear, glaring at him from the corner of my eye  

"Bloody hell, these pricks cannae do nothin'." He huffed.

"Sir, perhaps there's something the matter with the dolly. I suggested. 

"But we just had the damn thing fixed! Honestly!" 

Kenneth slammed his headphones down onto the sound board. He pushed a button by the microphone and firmly demanded, "Switch to three!"

He sat staring at the telly on the panel, chewing the inside of his cheek before continuing: 

"Three coming to you- three! Three!"

"We're on three." A voice in my headphones said. 

"They're on three." I told Kenneth. 

"Three! Three!"

"They're on three!" I shouted at him. 


"They're on three."

He looked down to the telly once again, huffing in reponse to my shouting, "playback."

As soon as he said that, the band on stage began the final run through of their song. 

God only knows how my fiancé convinced the rest of the band to play on Top of the Pops. Everyone knows that the musicians never really play their instruments. And if there's one thing to know about the Rolling Stones, its that they all hate to fake live music. 

Charlie looked absolutely bored out of his mind, and somewhat frustrated at the fake drums he was playing. Mick was trying to make the best of the situation by dancing and smiling to the music. Keith and Bill looked stoned to high hell. And Brian- well, Brian definitely seemes to be off somewhere else. 

As soon as the song was over, Kenneth slid his hand down his face and stared out to the band. I looked back and forth between him and the band before leaning to the microphone and pushing the button:

"Thank you. Very nice."

I stood back up and looked at him, just waiting for my next task. Instead of a verbal command, however, I received a wave of dismissal. 

Quickly obeying, I ran out of the mixing booth, down the stairs, and toward the stage. I nearly ran into several of the stage crew, but thankfully didn't cause any major collisions. 

"There's our girl!" Bill exclaimed when I jumped on the stage. 

Charlie looked up and a cheeky grin immediately formed on his face. 

"(Y/N), my darling," he took me into his arms and kissed the side of my head. 

"Oh, God, Charlie," I huffed a sigh of relief, feeling him squeeze me tighter. "Another hour and you won't have to come back."

"You mean we." He said mischievously. 

My eyes widened, and, as a way to hide my enthusiasm from the others, I pulled him off the stage and into the back corner. 

"We? You mean you got the license?" 

"Yes, finally." He laughed and reached into his jacket pocket. "The man behind the desk lost the request. I was almost late for this last run through because of it."

"Oh, Charlie, I can't believe this is actually happening!" I smiled. 

Standing up on my tip toes, I grabbed his cheeks and kissed him all over his face. 

"(Y/N), (Y/N)," he chuckled and pushed me away. "I have an idea. Let's go now." 

"Now?" I repeated looking around. 

"Yes, now. It'll only take twenty minutes, c'mon."

"But what about Kenneth? And the band?"

"They can wait twenty minutes. They're grown men."

"What about the people, then? The dancers'll be coming in any minute."

"And they'll all be fine. Look," he looked out to the band, then to the back door. He took both of my hands in his, and pulled me out the back door. 

I didn't object to his actions, and it lead me outside. I glanced back to the door as it shut, then turned back to Charlie. 

"We're out." He smiled, actually quite pleased with himself. 

"Yeah, we're out." I rolled my eyes and laughed.

Charlie beamed at me for a moment. He dropped one of my hands and squeezed the other three times. 

"So where are we going?" He asked cheekily. 

"We're going to get married." I smiled at him. 

"That's my girl!" He exclaimed. 

His lips collided with my cheek and we hurried to the car, got in, and sped off to the courthouse. 


I hate when I forget to hit the publish button haha

This may not have been what was in mind  when it was requested, but I liked it. I hope you guys do too. 

I closed requests as well. Just for now, don't worry. I just need to get caught up on a few. 

Once again, rest in peace, Charlie. You are and will be missed ❤❤❤

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