Brian Connolly #1

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Remember in the last one shot where I based the story in the 1930s? Well, this one's gonna be a bit more modern. Probably not what was originally thought of when it was requested, but I hope everyone has fun reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it :)



My phone screen lit up for the second time in one minute. It seemed like it had been 22:19 for ages. Brian had texted me earlier in the day saying that he would call after his show later that night, but I had not received even a weather update since then. 

I unlocked my mobile, just out of habit, and found myself staring at the picture on my home screen. It was a selfie of Brian and I taken on our first date; the first picture I ever took of him and me together, actually. 

He took me to his favourite fish and chip shop, Anstruthe's. Suffice to say that it is a little far out from his hometown of Glasgow, Brian just wanted to take the long way home, I suppose. 

"Alright, you've got your picture, now what?" I asked. 

"Now," he unbuckled his seat belt with a cheeky smirk. "We go inside."

I rolled my eyes and laughed at him before hopping out of the car. We met at the front of the car and started up the slight hill to the shop. 

"It's a bit of a walk."  He said. 

"Bad timing with the parking?" I asked. 

"Uh, maybe." He shrugged. 

Once we got to the restaurant, I couldn't help but read all the writing on the building:

Awarded Takeaway of the Year 2014-15; and on the other: Awarded Fish and Chip Shop of the Year.

"Y'know, for having won awards like this, there's really not a lot of people." I pointed to the white sign over our heads. 

"Huh, I didn't notice." A sly grin appeared on his face as he opened the door. He bowed low, allowing me to step inside first. 

"Brian!" The staff shouted.

I froze in surprise, which made Brian ram into me.

"Woah, (Y/N)," he chuckled, and put his hands on my shoulders. "Go on, they won't bite."

We walked up the ramp and up to the counter where an older man and woman stood. 

"How's business?"

"Busy as usual, wee barra. You're lucky I'm able to keep 'em away for so long,  I cannae hold 'em back much longer."

The two laughed, and I made eye contact with the woman next to the older man, who I assumed to be her husband. 

"You must be Brian's friend." She smiled. 

Before I could reply, Brian butt in and said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Robert, Alison, this is (Y/N). This is who your business is being held up for."

"Hello," I waved shyly. 

"Oh! I knew we should have closed the shop all day for this one-"

"Robert!" Alison gave his arm a playful slap. 


I huffed a breath of laughter at the two and felt Brian's hands on my shoulders once more. 

"Alright, love, what'll it be?" He asked me. 

I looked up to the simple menu over Robert and Alison's heads, mindlessly reading chips, chips butty, fish, sausage, sausage in batter before catching myself and saying, "I thought we were coming for the fish and chips."

"And that's and excellent choice, don't cha think, Robert?"


"Just, no mushy peas."

"No mushy peas?" Brian asked. "Oh that's right, I forgot. Yeah, no mushy peas."

"You want the usual?" Robert asked him. 

"Yeah, gimme a bucket a chips, and the tail end a cod and leave the head on."

I quickly thought to myself  I though he said they served haddock...

"You act like we've never heard that one before." Alison rolled her eyes and tapped the counter. "You two go sit down and we'll bring it out to ye."

"Thanks." Brian smiled and turned us around to go to a table in front of the window. 

"They seem really nice."

"They really are. I've been coming here with me dad since I was little, so it's a nice place to just relax and bask in the nostalgia."

I smiled gently and looked out the window. I watched as the sailboats just acrossed the street bobbed up and down in the water. Their gentle, lulling fashion reminded me of the waves themselves. How calm and peaceful they were, yet they were able to carry you hundreds of miles away without you even having to think about it. 

"Here, you two."  A waitress set down two orange cans in front of us. I picked one up and studied it as they talked. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, we didn't order drinks, now did we?" 

"Nay. But I like you better than that to have you choke on Uncle Rob's dry ass fish."

"Shit, is he cooking again?" Brian asked, spinning around in his chair, nearly standing to get a look in the kitchen. 

"Can't he hear you?"  I asked. 

"Nah, he can't." Brian shook his head, and sat properly in his chair again. 

"Not from back there, anyway." She said. "If you need anything, call me."

"Actually, can I get a water?" I perked up. 


"How about a verse of killing me softly?"

The woman rolled her eyes at Brian and started off toward the kitchen. He only laughed and turned back to me. 

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing." I shook my head. 

"No, I mean you didn't want your Irn bru?"

"Oh, is that how you say that?" I asked, picking the can up again. 

"It's good, look," he grabbed his can, opened it, then held it out to me. "Try it."

I looked at it for a moment, then took the can from his hand. 

"Here's your water." 

"Thank you." I nodded, then took a sip of the soft drink. 

It tasted almost like orange cream gum. I smacked my lips together in thought, then handed the can back to him. 

"Interesting." I said, grabbing my water. 

"You didn't like it?" He pouted. 

"No, no, I liked it." I assured him and reached for my water. "It's just that I never thought of you as a cream fizzy drink kinda guy."

"Ah," he nodded. "I think it taste more like citrus than cream."


Brian chuckled, then looked back to the kitchen. 

"So the chips are good, you said?" I asked, trying to fill the silence. 

"The best." He smiled.

Suddenly, my mobile interrupted the sweet memory. I looked down at the screen, and a wide grin stretched across my face. I quickly picked up my phone and answered.


However you guys want that phone call to go shall be the way it goes :)

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