Roger Taylor #1

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"Sleep, little willow," I yawned, dropping my forehead onto the rail of the crib. "Ow..."

It was about the third time I had started the lullaby over, rocking Bella to sleep. Each time I would stop singing, she would stir and threaten to wake up. Whining and nearly starting to scream. But I had stopped singing for a moment to yawn and she didn't stir a bit. I continued anyway. 

"Let your dreams take wing. I love you more than I can say, more than I can sing, little willow..." A yawn interrupted the song once more, and I began to lose my place in the lyrics. I stopped rocking the crib and shook my head. I couldn't see my feet through the darkness, with my head hung and eyes droopy, it was all I could do to trust that they were still there. "Everything you do has made my heart thine. Your giggles at the ceiling fan... I'd burn up the sun just to let your moon shine..."


I gasped, jumping what felt like three feet in the air, with my eyes wide and heart pounding. I caught sight of my husband, Roger, in the soft yellow light of the bedside lamp. He gave an amused smile as he chuckled, and leaned down to kiss my temple. 

"You're alright, love. It's just me." He slowly sunk to his knees beside me, putting a gentle hand on my knee. I smiled, brushing a hand through his golden hair. He looked up to me with those starry, doe-like blue eyes. Drowsiness was prominent in his gaze.

"You fell asleep." He stated. 

I giggled, realising that he was probably right and I had just dreamed about singing to Bella. "Did I, now?"

He nodded, resting his chin on my knee.

We were in no way experts in parenting. We struggled in the beginning, but it was mostly because she was a newborn. His mother came to help us out when she first arrived, and I just knew I couldn't have done it without her. Between having our first baby, the craziness of the press wanting to see her (which we've been carefully avoiding), and the band having to cancel their tour, Winifred was a lifesaver. We could never have done it without her. 

Bella had only just turned four months old, but the love Roger and I felt for her could never be matched. Not by each other, not by our parents, not even by the gods. It was difficult to describe the love felt for her. The lullaby we wrote barely chipped at our thoughts. 

Roger gently took my arm and turned it over so that the veins of my wrist were face up. He touched his lips to the small cursive of Bella's name and brushed his thumb over the red ink. My fingers found their way into his hair again as I glanced over to our baby. 

"So now what do we do?" I asked.

Roger smirked at me, quickly standing and pulling me out of the chair. He walked us over to the bed and laid down, never moving to get under the sheets. We folded into each other's arms easily. Me curled against his chest and his chin resting on my head. I yawned once more, feeling the gentle thrum of Roger's heart.

Breathing in deeply, I tried to say goodnight to him. I don't think the words ever left my mind, however. I heard him snoring before I could get the words out, and unconsciously smiled, quickly drifting off to sleep as well. 



Just a little nighttime thought I wanted to write down. It's short and sweet and I do love it so. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it :)

And, that picture I found is so sweet

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